If only...


people bash my POS all the time. just laugh and move on.

nobody gives a SHIT

Help! I’m drowning!

well i know you put alot of time and money into yours, how does that not piss you off when someone thinks your inferior and is calling it a POS

i used to let it get to me a little, but i know ive got a nice car and its good for what it is so you just take the “punches” and move on.

you cars pretty damn nice for $700, so remember that when bitchez be hatin ‘n’ shitttt

actually i havent lol, my couple posts were in the one thread and thats it. i only signed up to post in it. Ive been lurking zilvia for ~4 years… and just deicied to join… :lol

Here catch this cinder block


Thanks a lot… it’s too late anyway… 94 Sentra’s e-tears have filled the room

Good thing I wore my floaties

Because it’s a car, that’s why. We don’t give a shit what people think about it. :lol

Yeah I don’t give a fuck what people think about my cars, I love them.

Nice, I can actually see you in floaties :lol

no, i hear where he’s coming from a little bit. i used to try to defend my car when the haterzz rolled up, now i really dont care because i know that i’m happy with it and that’s all that should matter.

sentra boy, finish your rice drift rocket 5 speed then you wont be known as sentra boy anymore

I love the drama it creates. It amazes me. You say something negative about a big chunk of metal somebody owns, and they get all defensive like you said something insultive about THEM and not the car. :lol

ok…so…after this thread, we have been scolded by mother duck up there…is everyone done with the B/S for a few hours?

Attn OP:

Shift hasn’t changed, you’re still 12 years old, the people on here who are not 12 make fun of stuff like this.

Thread fail, stfu. kthx.