If only...

I’m with Sentra boy too. We’re here, we’re queer, and there’s nothin you can do to change it!

im not against your thoughts, i just dont know why every post me, cody or dom make you have to come back with some smart ass comment…you may be fooling around but you play it off for too long and then everyone thinks your serious, i have met you, joey, ryan etc. in person, not bad people and not assholes face to face idk why it turns into that kind of thing in the interwebz


I know you’ve been around here long enough to be able to tell who is coming on here and ruining it for everyone else and who is behaving themselves.



Again, stop taking it to heart.

And a majority of the time you guys post some of the most RIDICULOUS shit… which is why I said, if only you could hear yourself speak. :lol Try reading some of your posts out loud before submitting… I guarantee you won’t post it. And if you do… well, the tribe has already spoken on that one. :lol

Lance calm down!

Oh way ay ay oh way oh way oh way ahh oh way ahh oh way

calm down, calm down

ok, really, calm down.


:vlad :smiley:

For serious, I really have to take a shit right now. I’ve been holding it in all day at class and all night at work. If I don’t return back to the forum after this post, well, if you would all say a little prayer for me I would greatly appreciate it.

hello, and welcome to unsolved mysteries. tonight, we find out who gives a SHIT about chris and his new thread

Can’t… just smoked a bag of meth followed by a bag of crack. I came on here to annoy the cobalt guy by not reading my posts before I post them.

UPDATE: apparently nobody gives a shit, so FUCK 'em.

Lance took a huge shit at work today, fucker was gone for like 25 minutes.

I had some Hershey Squirts at work today, hate when I have those:down

It was 15 minutes… and I was washing my hands while perusing the 50th anniversary playboy issue. :shifty

last time I gave a shit I got FUCKED

i dont see how i post rediculous stuff, i do understand dom sucks at posting and cody is just stupid, all i pretty much do is post my opinion on a few things, check out the f/s section and update my build thread then i get assholes goin “ohh why isnt this hunk of shit rot box done” crap like that pisses me off when every dollar i have goes into my car and i have been working on it all winter in 30 degree weather with it fucking snowing on me, people take pride in their cars and bashing is not cool


It hasn’t moved from the freezer.