If only...

look he has his little posse behind him now

I’d like to call in a 3rd party to view that thread and even remotely try to put the blame on me for all of your idiocy.

How old are you?


Grow up, open up your minds a little bit, and stop taking everything you read on the INTERNET so fucking seriously.

Grow up, open up your minds a little bit, and stop taking everything you read on the INTERNET so fucking seriously.

Grow up, open up your minds a little bit, and stop taking everything you read on the INTERNET so fucking seriously.

Grow up, open up your minds a little bit, and stop taking everything you read on the INTERNET so fucking seriously.

Grow up, open up your minds a little bit, and stop taking everything you read on the INTERNET so fucking seriously.

Grow up, open up your minds a little bit, and stop taking everything you read on the INTERNET so fucking seriously.

Grow up, open up your minds a little bit, and stop taking everything you read on the INTERNET so fucking seriously.

Grow up, open up your minds a little bit, and stop taking everything you read on the INTERNET so fucking seriously.

Grow up, open up your minds a little bit, and stop taking everything you read on the INTERNET so fucking seriously.

Grow up, open up your minds a little bit, and stop taking everything you read on the INTERNET so fucking seriously.

Grow up, open up your minds a little bit, and stop taking everything you read on the INTERNET so fucking seriously.

Grow up, open up your minds a little bit, and stop taking everything you read on the INTERNET so fucking seriously.

Grow up, open up your minds a little bit, and stop taking everything you read on the INTERNET so fucking seriously.

Grow up, open up your minds a little bit, and stop taking everything you read on the INTERNET so fucking seriously.

Grow up, open up your minds a little bit, and stop taking everything you read on the INTERNET so fucking seriously.

Grow up, open up your minds a little bit, and stop taking everything you read on the INTERNET so fucking seriously.

Grow up, open up your minds a little bit, and stop taking everything you read on the INTERNET so fucking seriously.

Grow up, open up your minds a little bit, and stop taking everything you read on the INTERNET so fucking seriously.

Grow up, open up your minds a little bit, and stop taking everything you read on the INTERNET so fucking seriously.

Grow up, open up your minds a little bit, and stop taking everything you read on the INTERNET so fucking seriously.

Grow up, open up your minds a little bit, and stop taking everything you read on the INTERNET so fucking seriously.

Grow up, open up your minds a little bit, and stop taking everything you read on the INTERNET so fucking seriously.

Grow up, open up your minds a little bit, and stop taking everything you read on the INTERNET so fucking seriously.

Grow up, open up your minds a little bit, and stop taking everything you read on the INTERNET so fucking seriously.

Grow up, open up your minds a little bit, and stop taking everything you read on the INTERNET so fucking seriously.

Grow up, open up your minds a little bit, and stop taking everything you read on the INTERNET so fucking seriously.

Grow up, open up your minds a little bit, and stop taking everything you read on the INTERNET so fucking seriously.

Grow up, open up your minds a little bit, and stop taking everything you read on the INTERNET so fucking seriously.

Grow up, open up your minds a little bit, and stop taking everything you read on the INTERNET so fucking seriously.

Grow up, open up your minds a little bit, and stop taking everything you read on the INTERNET so fucking seriously.

Grow up, open up your minds a little bit, and stop taking everything you read on the INTERNET so fucking seriously.

Grow up, open up your minds a little bit, and stop taking everything you read on the INTERNET so fucking seriously.

Grow up, open up your minds a little bit, and stop taking everything you read on the INTERNET so fucking seriously.

Grow up, open up your minds a little bit, and stop taking everything you read on the INTERNET so fucking seriously.

Grow up, open up your minds a little bit, and stop taking everything you read on the INTERNET so fucking seriously.

chris im with ya ^^^

actually i was gonna say don’t get loud but lost my train of thought:excited

18 thanks

done yet?

feel better?

Yeah. I’m glad I am not the only one who is thinking this way.

I feel like we need more moderation outside of the Offbeat forum. We had this issue on another forum I frequent, a boost in the # of ACTIVE moderators quickly and efficiently solved that problem.

I used to enjoy posting here too, that’s the thing. Oh well…

Just like anything else, a select few always have to ruin it for the majority. And it’s a damn shame.

I think my build thread is one of the least BS build threads on here. It will be updated early April when I start working on my car again.

But this site is the BEST time killer at work and most any other time :lol I have increased my time on here ever since the winter months.

chris are you talking about the me/dkid/caz crew or the 94 sentra/csholstz/skateshelter crew

or both :ohnoes

and if someone/some people are really irritating you, thats what the ignore list is for, isnt it?

thats fuckin funny YOUR saying that

agreed. if mods actually did what they were suppose to and not post random banter… it would be better.

Not like a nazi, but just step it up alittle.

If this site EVER becomes what zilvia.net is… im ending my account.

zilvia is better

Again, i’m not really targetting anyone directly. Think of it more as a general train of thought.

I’ve met you in person, you’re not a bad kid at all. A little pervasive on getting people to race, but hey that’s OK. :lol

Why are you the only member who is against my thoughts? What exactly is that telling you in your mind? :lol

Hey Chris, I’m against your thoughts. Fuck off!

zilvia is plauged with nazi mods…

oppie 1 times 45678987654567 on every thread…

NWS threads have to pass by the ADMIN first… list goes on.

zilvia is a shit hole!.. altho thats where i got my new exhaust from, so i have no room to talk :rofl

Hey fuck you, pal!

You hurt my feelings, I don’t want you to come to Siena on Friday anymore. :cry:

Big meanie!

:rofl i was just messing with ya the one night at the wash :smiley:

but i was just curious because you said “a few people ruining it for the majority” so i figured you had a couple people in mind. if you’re going to make a thread like this, might as well be transparent :thumbup

Nothing wrong with using a shitty forum for their Buy/Sell/Trade section. :lol Not like you contribute to anything else!