###########If you don't start using this forum more&&&&&&&&&@@@@@

I’m going to take it away.

All that bitching and moaning and what, 20 posts only since?

You seemed to make a big stink about it before, wtf.



http://www.nyspeed.com/forums/forumdisplay.php?f=44 10/25/06

As long as you’re killing sub sections that aren’t being used :wink:

yeah, no ones posting in a locked sub section.
we should totally kill that useless shit.

i didn’t even know this forum existed until now. when was it created?

couple weeks now.

:fyi: That forum isn’t for general posting, it’s for reference.

hmm… good to know.

Ah, I was just looking for sections with no new threads.

Maybe if you gave it a better name people would post in it. Who says “big rig” anyway?

You’re serious?


Not that I care, but I do agree. Nobody on here I know of drives an 18 wheeler.

no of course im not serious.

60+ members and rising on WNYtrucks. Sorry howie, but I think i stole the 4x4 people who complained. :stuck_out_tongue:

This is NYSpeed who uses Gen auto…

sry but this is kind of the off season for everything car related. yes truck go in the snow but not to many ppl wheel in the snow. just my 2 cents.

I’ve been actively posting on WNYTrucks… but when the time comes (not winter), that forum will see much more action.

How much more work is it to keep there?
How much more work is it to remove?

The Smokey and the Bandit theme song just started playing in my head :slight_smile:

^^^ the smokey and the bandit theme song should play when ever ur in this section. some one get on that.