Motorcycle sub forum

the more and more i see the spring approaching i seem to see that a lot of people are posting stuff about there bikes. i was just wondering maybe we could start a motorcycle sub forum or something i mean i figure NYSpeed is a motor sports forum right? i really never looked at it as a strictly automotive forum. just a suggestion :smiley: FTW.


there are already a few large local forums.

Naw. People forget that specialty subforums exist.

well what does everyone think? there seems to be an ever increasing number of people getting bikes on this site… :gotme:


That sub-forum just sucks.

Not to mention that I’d be willing to bet that Bike crew is far bigger…

A sub forum wouldnt hurt IMO.


oops, my fault, never saw that

meh… doesnt bother me either way… i see most things bike related…

if you get a sub forum i want one for HOME OWNERS…ex diy, help…

It’s been talked about, but it’s too far gone from what this place is supposed to be. Trying to keep some semblence of an automotive theme…

such as the huge nerd corner?

Eh, people don’t tend to migrate from cars to computers. They coexist more peacefully than cars and houses. Another 2 years and gen-auto would be overshadowed by gen-property. I’d say that the OG’s leaving the hobby would be replaced by younger people, but I swear they put something in the milk after we left high school. :retard:

yea, about those younger members…

nvm, not meant for this thread.

i think if big rigs gets one, motorcycles should at least be given legitimate consideration. there have to be more people with bikes here than 4x4s.

A bike forum would be a good idea imo. The local BIKE sites aren’t that busy, and don’t have much else goin on other than bike stuff. Alot of people that ride are also into cars, and this could bring them together.

yea i completely agree, most of the local bike sites really don’t have much traffic and like some else said, there is a 4x4 sub forum that hardly gets used, it was just a thought i dunno…