Motorcycle sub forum FTW Gets alot of traffic during the riding season. PM me for more info

Very true

I think if I give you guys one like I did big rigs, and all the fuss I got about that, only to have it used for a whole month after you had it and scantly after that, you might realize where I’m coming from when I say “meh”.

i don’t see why trucks and bikes don’t just fall into gen auto. everything else seems to

i could however see sub-tech forums, but there isn’t enough bike, truck, or auto tech to warrant it.

I am a member of many og the local bike forums as well as NYSpeed, and i think many members are in the same boat. Motorcycles are automotive related, and i think it would also be a good chance to gain members from other bike forums. I would activly participate in a motorcycle sub-forum.

Can i get a sub forum for everything I choose to discuss on nyspeed?


Motorcycles are auto-related? Not quite sure about that. Bikers call auto-drivers ‘cagers’ for a reason.

An automobile (via French from Greek auto, self and Latin mobilis moving, a vehicle that moves itself rather than being moved by another vehicle or animal)…

A vehicle is a machine which incorporates a motor (sometimes known as an engine), and which is used for transportation. The internal combustion engine is the most common motor choice, although electric motors or other types are sometimes used. Land vehicles are usually equipped with wheels, and usually operate on roads.
Some common examples:

Naw. Gen auto works for shooting the shit about all things automotive. Hell there have even been threads about tracked vehicles someone bought for his emerging maple syrup conglomerate.

The only improvement I can see is ditching the big rigs subforum since we’ve effectively proven that there’s no need to further categorize automotive discussions.

Is it really that difficult to make a motorcycle category or sub-forum? I guess i just dont understand all of these members (and probably many more silent ones) that would make good use of a motorcycle section… and yet you just refuse because the 4x4 sub failed? I could understand if there was a difficult process in making this happen, or if it would require some shitty long term frequent maintenence… but i doubt it.

Oh well…

why not just take the 4x4 sub forum and change the name. just erase all the threads in there and presto change o you have a cycle forum.

Some guy buys a motorcycle, hasn’t even ridden it yet…and all of a sudden wants a whole part of the forum.


never ridden? riiiiggghhtt. i might have just got THIS bike, but thats all thats new to me about riding bud

I just thought it would be a nice addition to the forum, but fuck it. Idk if its just being a dick, or lazyness, but i’m guessing alittle of both :slight_smile:

Personally Fry i think it would be a good sub-forum for a number of reasons. As stated, the crowd is growing. Now your response to this is join a local forum dedicated to motorcycles. My response to that is (no offense to those in charge of these sites) but they’re slow as fuck and really not interesting at all. This has more traffic etc etc. Plus i know a lot more people over here and can converse in more convo’s, get information faster, etc.

Also, don’t let the off-roading sub forum hinder the attempt to making another go at it. Yes, that one sucked, but this one has much more potential imho. Come winter time, i can see it getting slow for obvious reasons.

But to be fair about things, i think you should consider giving it a trial run for a few months this summer. If it’s dead and non active, you can point and say i told you so to all of us, but give it a shot and see what can happen. It just seems to me that you guys (mods) are already dead set with NO and won’t hear out logical reasoning :wink:

motorcycle subforum for me to poop on that is your motorcycle sub forum. lazyness is a virtue

Cars and bikes don’t mix.


When I see logic on this board I get so surprised that I just run away scared. :ohnoes:

You all make good points. It’s up to those who have more experience running these types of things. I’m just here to clean up reposts and find funny google images. :stuck_out_tongue:

Hmm… If I figure out how to make a new subforum will someone let me borrow their bike? I promise I probably won’t drop it!

Shrives and logical will never appear in the same sentence.

So take your meathead friends to buffalostreetriders and stay out of west seneca, if you know whats good for you.

bike forums attract all kinds of trash so I’d rather not have one.

I’m not saying that if you ride a bike you suck… but the low price of entry to this hobby gets some real losers and rather not have on here to be totally honest. It’s already ashame in general that a few idiots make the whole sportbike scene look like retards.