If you had.....

if you had $375 bucks in your pocket what would you buy for your s13? :slight_smile:

this could be interesting lol.

The wheels on my S13 that you’re going to buy. HAHAHAHAHAHAHHAHHAHAHAH

i hope ur not talking about those flat face no lipped ones on your coupe lol

electronic boost control

track/upgrade from stock rims…


i only have 4 lug :frowning:

Some raaams.

A prostitute to bang on the hood.

^and a new hood (with no sexy time dents) with all that moonies


a car cover to spare the neighbours from seeing it.

my last S13 was rough



Better front brakes and Polyurethane bushings kit.

OH! buy:

under glow and a siren

the stuff you said you’d buy that i put aside for you?


You can buy my s14 driver side seat for 100$!

another s13 haha

buy a puppy it would grow into a good alarm