If you have nothing to hide.....

This is messed up and quite entertaining.



i was waiting for someone to get shot.

4th ammendment. game over.

or at least pull a gun like in the yuppies and hicks video. lol

It’s only going to get worse.Which the video kept going tho.

support the patriot act :bloated:

that sucks. doesn’t seem fair, i mean look at half of buffalo, hey it’s alot worse than that. he was right, in every aspect. we do lose our freedom a little bit more and more each year. even tv cops don’t trespass

Thats fucking bullshit.She had no right and watching that cop do nothing is bullshit.He should have not let her on the property.He should have checked to see if she was allowed and decided to arrest her or let her from there.

a criminal trespass supervised by an officer of the law… that’s :bloated:.

hmmm; sadly he can’t remove her by force unless she poses an immediate threat… fucking gay just the same.


Most jurisdictions do not allow “self-help” to remove trespassers. The usual procedure is to ask the trespassing person to leave, then to call law enforcement officials if they do not. As long as the trespasser is not posing an immediate threat, they cannot be removed by force. It is usually illegal to arrest a trespasser and hold them on the property until law enforcement arrives as this defeats the purpose of allowing them to cure the trespass by leaving.

I would have moved some dirt on top of her.:wink:


That guy kept his cool pretty good, I probably would have ended up kicking her in the cunt.

Wow… thats amazing… that cop wasn’t sure? and he let her do it anyway… regaurdless of wether of not it was legal or not, you’d think the officer would not let her do it until he was sure of the law? ya know??

cop was definitly young and inexperienced…that was easy enough to tell…

she is a definite whack job and with the video eveidence anything (if they should find anything, seemed pretty legit from the video) would be tossed in a court.

Hope he gets a nice lawsuit against her

edit: that really neds to be taken up to their next highest court…wow

I wonder under what grounds it was condemmed.

Props to that guy for resisting… I’d sue both factions of the county, Police and the Health board.

read much? :stuck_out_tongue:

They took me to court and the judge totally ignored me. They then had the woman’s supervisor tetisfy against me stating that he thought a pipe which was on my property as a drain tile was being used to dump raw human waste onto the land, but also testified that he took no soil samples, no water samples, smelled no sewage and saw no sewage, but none of that mattered to the tyrant lawyer in a black robe, who decided that the jerks opinion was good enough to evict me and my son with less than 12 hours notice. So now what? appeals cost money, filings cost money, free country my ass.

this guys a crazy asshole

While I think he got shit on, he total attitude sucked. He made himself come off as a paranoid hick.

Does anyone know the authority the health inspector has in indiana?

Let us not forget that we are hearing everything from this guys side.

Intrepid police cruisers were hot. Slow and crappy, but oh so good looking.
