If you sold everything and paid off debt, would you be + or -

  • and at about 1 mil +/-.10 years ago I was driving a 90 probe and wifey had a 90 Cavy wagon.Buy real estate young grasshoppers.

Here is one that may have potential if anyone is looking= http://hastingscohn.com/index.php?action=listingview&listingID=114. I know nothing about the property but if I was looking for some more stuff at the time, this would be on the list to look into.
The biggest one I kick myself for not trying for=
http://hastingscohn.com/index.php?action=listingview&listingID=12 at the time it was 3.5 million and actually came with the 1.81 acres that is now extra if you want it.Rent is $300K a year and all you are responsible for is the structure itself which is new.None of that "my Furnace is broke"Why are you telling me for, is your roof leaking?“no” Then send me my checks and stop bothering me.

I plan on winning the lottery this week. I also plan on you still bring a dumbass faggot 5 years from now with the only thing you have that is increasing is your pile of debt :hay:

I work in debt collection aka hell and everyone moans about credit cards and med bills. there bs. if you dont want to pay them you really dont have to. the important ones are the federal debts ie student loans, irs, child support. those are the bills that will pwn you

id be in the clear with selling the house

fucking student loans
anyway I would be way ahead, hell to break even all i would have to do is sell the bike, but I never would.
whats land going for?

I don’t have any debt.:smiley: