If you were to move...

i was just going to start this thread, seems like ive heard alot of good about virginia beach, they were even ranked in the top 5 for best urban areas to live, I havent been there in a long time, I’ll have to check out charlotte too, Chicago is cool, a little older, but a clean city, a little chilly though. My choice (I live near st. louis) and NT when im home) would be, this area: Wheatfield (cheap) or close to elmwood/downtown. This area has everything i love, but the weather isnt the best and that makes the difference in quality of life. Other choices: Chandler AZ, Or West County, St. Louis, MO , omaha NE was pretty cool too, nice city just isolated.

I’d like to move to san diego, but its way too expensive cost of living. San diego is like zen.

More realistically I’m probably moving to the phoenix area next year. Can’t wait…

charlotte is sweet. i have some pics of some weird big fish there.


on home, still internet-less, computer

east aurora i love that town

Of the places I’ve been in the US:

Tampa, Clearwater FL: To oppressively hot in the summer
Seattle/Tacoma: Traffic’s awful in Seattle and Tacoma is just a big fucking Lackawanna
Chicago: Real estate is retarded
Minneapolis: Maybe, but why move somewhere just to have the same suck ass winter?
Dallas: Maybe. It was pretty nice.
Charlotte, SC: Maybe, it was nice but I can’t deal with a southern drawl and oppressive heat.
Vermont/New Hampshire: Maybe, but still got that winter thing. I’d just assume deal with it here.
Hartford: Winter.
Anywhere in PA: Why bother? I’ll just stay here.
NYC: Oh fuck no. I like being able to see horizons thank you.

I would want to vist Raleigh because it seems really good on paper. That would be the most likely candidate.

I am currently trying to go in that direction myself.

Once you start heading south, I have found there is little that caters to my liberal ways. I was driving through some southern state a few months ago and saw an exit for “Rev. Billy Grahm Parkway” I pretty much knew at that moment that I could never live there.

You are going to start controversey with that statement. I do really like my hometown though. A lot of people have some strange hate for it.

Billy Graham Pkwy is in Charlotte. Runs to the airport between Interstates 77 and 85.

Of all the people that I have met in Charlotte, I think maybe 2% were actually born in Charlotte. A majority are from the north, young, and in the banking industry.

I wouldn’t necessarily be driving everywhere. I wouldn’t mind living in a city where I don’t even need a car.

Chicago is everything. When I went there with my school we saw alot of jazz influence and musicians. Not alot of blues. But you’re right, thats what it’s known for.

Dear America,

A lot is never compounded into one word. Please make a mental note of this.


lol. it’s a t9 word on my phone.

Korean is your phone’s first langage

Thank you.

uhm hi i grew up there, they still have buddy guy’s legends, which is one of the only blues bars left.

Myrtle Beach, great golf, great food, great amounts of humid heat:) and I will be moving there in roughly 18 years. Possible sooner, but probably not.

i like where i am for now, 1hr. east gets me to to the ocean, 1 hr. north gets me to the mountains. Eventually i’d like to move either farther south or out west, someplace where it never snows.

Well I guess you just proved me correctly when I said that I didn’t see alot of blues there. Thats for the historical ref.

EDIT: Actually I’d move to Awesometown
