Can’t tell if you’re being sarcastic so I’ll bite.
So all the sting operations in California and Texas and New Mexico where hordes of illegals work and were asked for no information at the time of hiring that proof citizenship were what? Fake?
Where do all the 10+ million illegals work then? That must be some huge illegal act going on doing illegal things, because I know they don’t work construction jobs, field jobs, fast food jobs or any of the other jobs where it’s generally regarded as aliens can easily get a job that require no speaking skills and basic manual labor.
And for the sake of argument enjoy the read
Many illegal immigrants pay up at tax time -
Propaganda from a news source that supports immigrants. I can dig up a few that say otherwise.
There are MANY farms here and everywhere that use illegal aliens for workers and many get fined or caught. Go to Adirondack Stone off Route 4 in Fort Ann and see how many are legal.
Estimated 2000 work in Vermont farms alone: