It’s a short read, check it out
im crackin up :crackup :crackup
aaaaaaaaaaahahahaha. its pure awesome. although, im guilty of confusing the hell out of two things myself and calling them by a different name.
No one noticed he’s missing three nuts holding the lower IM to the upper IM :rofl
yeah they did…
NJJettaGL8v posted:
“And you’re missing 2 nuts between them.”
…on the first page
At least the guy took was decent about admitting his mistake.
Alas, the thread has all the ingridients of a classic thread. Cocky guy, calling other OG members names, and setting himself up for an epic fail.
god i hate you.
hey that looks like my motor ;D
that thread delivers
thats a 50mm intake too… ABF manifold FTW.
theres a bunch of random vac. lines just chilling, the small one goes to the bottom of the t.b. boot to the valve getting vac. @ the brake booster. the throttle cable isn’t connected, he replaced the hard plastic tube that goes to the throttle tube with some braided looking shizz, etc…
ABF manifold was a one piece casting. thats just a euro 50mm. looks exactly like one i had on my old jetta, same paint scheme.
Edit… ABF also uses a single plate throttle body similar to the ABA and the VR6 not the dual butterfly style
oh yeah, you are right a euro 50… wasn’t thinking. the abf was like just shy of 150h.p. iirc?
i think the ABF’s were rated close to 170, but the VWMS versions were rated at 200bhp. not much benefit to using an ABF if you can find one, except the use of a serpentine drive, most people just do an ABA block 16v head, and MSnS now