Fight the tickets and get everything such that police cannot have anything on you (no tire rubbing, plates correct & lit, proper insurance, cat installed, reasonable exhaust volume etc).
That said, keep your ride the way YOU want it, and have a blast driving it. That’s what all the work has been for. :D/
my car is slammed with a fmic and its fucking loud, one of the loudest srs ive heard similar to pavels in terms or loudness, i have a test pipe and its slammed and i always rip it. ive only been pulled over 2 times once because a cop heard my bov at 2:30 am in bolton and gave me a lecture, another time because i had like 6 complaints and the cop had to wait for me to leave school then pulled me over and lectured me, cool cop he used to own a red s13 and said in the rain they always slided everywhere and then he told me where they rust and complamented me on having a clean one and said have a nice day it was pretty cool, not all cops are bad some are just assholes
all u guys that are claiming to have louder cars and no plates live in small cities like guelph… i live in toronto, there is a large police force here, not a hick with a badge and a hound dog for a partner.
i drive just fine. i dont street drift, i tend to speed sometimes but im still safe about it. the road was empty, this cop was a dick looking to meet his quota.
my car is heat, its red. red cars get pulled over the most, thats a proven statistic.