im an idiot (but u already knew that)

Sorry to hear, man. But don’t change your car.

Fight the tickets and get everything such that police cannot have anything on you (no tire rubbing, plates correct & lit, proper insurance, cat installed, reasonable exhaust volume etc).

That said, keep your ride the way YOU want it, and have a blast driving it. That’s what all the work has been for. :D/

there’s a book at PI that has everything what the police can’t or can’t ticket you for,

20 bucks

that sux dude, get burnt on the first day

hope its the only ticket you get this summer

My plates are kinda in a risky spot now too :oops:
I need to bend it so i can fit it back in the lower part of my bumper

my car is slammed with a fmic and its fucking loud, one of the loudest srs ive heard similar to pavels in terms or loudness, i have a test pipe and its slammed and i always rip it. ive only been pulled over 2 times once because a cop heard my bov at 2:30 am in bolton and gave me a lecture, another time because i had like 6 complaints and the cop had to wait for me to leave school then pulled me over and lectured me, cool cop he used to own a red s13 and said in the rain they always slided everywhere and then he told me where they rust and complamented me on having a clean one and said have a nice day it was pretty cool, not all cops are bad some are just assholes

Guys grow up… quit hasseling this guy because he got busted.

Just consider yourself lucky that you havent been busted yet…

I have and it’s not fun but hey I’m still rockin’ what I got busted for last
year and will continue to do so…

From one oh so great movie FUBAR “Stick it to the Man”


He deserves getting ragged on because everyone saw it coming, and the fact he has the audacity to blame it on the car irritates me…

It’s his fault… not the cars…

all u guys that are claiming to have louder cars and no plates live in small cities like guelph… i live in toronto, there is a large police force here, not a hick with a badge and a hound dog for a partner.

i drive just fine. i dont street drift, i tend to speed sometimes but im still safe about it. the road was empty, this cop was a dick looking to meet his quota.

my car is heat, its red. red cars get pulled over the most, thats a proven statistic.

meh this thread is gay.

everyones car IS ON FIRE> HOLY SHIT!~!!