Im bored

:zzz: :zzz: :zzz: :zzz: :zzz: :zzz:

take those time slips and wipe your ass with them-

thats fucked up

[QUOTE=Quik]look at tape my tires were instanly spining from the line

Ricer, Just like you wnt to race that Ford truck,Excuses

:owned: :owned:

watch out he is going to NOPI nationals in september in GA …he is going to clean house

you really suck at using the ownd smiley.

your the one with the sixbanger who wanted to put dumps on it

how did we get off topic

its because the geo strom owner didnt wnat to drive ot race shaggy

thats right

i dont have blue gauges …and painted interior

those are features that do come stock on many cars

Jesus told him to stay home

but not you shit…what truck glued on hood scopes

i did all those things almost 2 1/2 years ago

so its not ok to take ideas from stock vehicles and add them to your own ride…um i thought that was called modding and customization. i dont think there is one car or truck on this site that doesnt have any mods done ot it

i got some paint thinner if you need some…ricer

your registration is due for NOPI nationals 75 bucks

ooooooooooooooh shit

your calling me a ricer…um ok

please…come,come again