Im bored

better get some altezzas…your going for the show or the race

its funny that you know more about nopi then i do. i bet you liked that shit untill we made fun of you. your one of those ppl that jump on the wagon. just not to get made to get fun of. you claim all mighty LS1 and dont have one

yeah thats right…you got me i really hate ls1’s

do you realize that not every clear styled tailight is called a altezzas.

better get some traction bars for NOPI nationals …you never know there might be a BBC there to hand you your ass

yea but you are MR RICE so you need the good shit

you front like always. you dont have one so quit suggesting them to other ppl when they have motor questions

hahahaahahah that gots to be the funniest statementever and i dotn have wheel hop

traction bars is to prevent wheel hop

Uncle Ben’s Bitch

well whats the problem for having the best…yes i dont not have a ls1 nor did i ever claim to have one…i always wanted one…but i will take a lt1 also …i just want a Z28

altezzas are the cheaper ones. the eliglence[sp] are the better quality ones.

well thank you mr ricer

i know you are good for something besides head

and LS1 isnt the best tho, The LS series Gen III motors so far are the best claimed sbc…but not the best motor ever like you praise

i dont care …i just want a Z28 4th gen not a truck

xplain that “Oh Mighty One”

wrong wrong again, thru the woods

what magazine is that from …i will read it while i am taking a shit


go look into car craft, motor trend and a few other mags they well say that
