I'm done playin in Obamanomics

you missed my entire point completely! i didn’t anything about ME making money or wanting a ton of money. i was talking about the harsh conditions of the workers from the past during when america thought it was best be be laissez-faire. what laissez-faire (let it be) capitalism is, is unregulated business. The gov’t has no say in what business do and how they act. what JClark calls economics; what i call exploitation.

we need a watch dog of a government for human and worker’s right, if we didnt have people like unions, or activist back in the late 1800’s we still would be working those long days for little pay and no benefits. capitialism is suited only for a few select elites. As I was explaining earlier, America wasn’t the power house it was known as because of our good ethics and hard work. It was our nasty dealings, hidden agendas and bad morals that caused other countries to be our bitch and do our hard work for us while we (the few elites) reaped the benefits. This isnt opinion here; this is fact.

Again look up the Monroe Doctrine, Liberal-Developmentalism, Dollar Diplomacy and even check out Wilsonianism to get a taste of how we were in the expansion of our Anglo-Saxon Protestant culture and “ethics” for business ventures.

As far as obama is concerned. we are fucked to begin with. he is a wall st. puppet and will do what they want him to do. mccain was no better choice either.