I'm done playin in Obamanomics

is that the easy cop out you all use when you guys dont know someone? You call them sheep? I would be offended but you are also a sheep along with everyone else on these forums, your typing and complaining and taking no action. Bitching and complaining gets you no where.

Wow this thread makes my head hurt…

All i know is that ive lost ALOT(emphasis on ALOT) of $$ in the stock market, and alot of it has come from recently, although it has obviously been on the decline for awhile now

When did I ever say that you shouldn’t be rewarded for hard work? I understand that you are a fan of capitalism, I am too, but I am not a fan of monopolies and that is what you get with out some government control. Unless you are some kind of fortune teller, how can you tell that his plan will definitely fail, I don’t know what kind of background you have but my financial adviser’s opinion is that the economy will come out of this in a year or two… so I am confident

One of my favorite

First, I wasn’t complaining. I did not start this thread. I was defending my right to bear arms.

You mistook my meaning of sheep aparently.

come on, man! Laissez-faire capitalism iz da best thing in da world!

we all should be back in the coal mines working 12 hours a day for 6 days a week! only to fill our boss’ pockets with money and dirt in ours.

? Or start your own company if you dont like it? No one is forcing you to work any job you dont want to. If you want better, go improve your situation instead of complaining that you’re making someone else rich.

Who is supporting genuine free capitalism with no regulation?

don’t worry about my situation, im fine…my comment was with murrdog’s statement…

Yea JClark this motha fucka is fine

i dont work for any nameless / faceless corporations so im good to go :slight_smile:

I do. FML.

yah but you dont seem to do to bad benny… your mad young, drive a bimmer and have your own house… thats how you step the fuck up

Lmao when did benny buy a house?

LOL no haz house.

I made like 25k last year. :rofl

I habe the bimmer sure but I made the choice of having a smile put on my face every time I drive my car over having a fancy place to live/nice clothes…for a while anyway.

I keep my head above water just fine, I’m kind of thankful I don’t have much to lose in this whole shebang.

I’ll stay in school and ride it out and hope somebody needs a mechanical engineer in the midst of the ‘greatest depression’

haha… well someone just lied to me then, just like sean did about his moms house

Exactly… so, you want to liability of being a boss? You have the brains and ability? Willing to take a risk? …I am guessing no…but you want to money. Hmmmm

Besides, wasn’t it you that said we didnt work hard?

Of those here I totally or partially disagree with , it is based on solid foundation and I do n ot hold it against you, that you think or have been indoctrined differently. I simply will disagree. How does one disagree respectfully??? Thats the hard part. How does one not view the other as an enemy when the county one loves is under attack.

It’s all a slide, a slow slippery slope.

There is no doubt we will survive and even thrive as a country, the above mentioned financial advisor may be correct, but as we do that, the Capitalism that us Capitalist enjoy, is being strangled, along with privacy rights and future very heavy taxation on those that find the ability to become an earner.

I understand idealogy, I dont want people to starve or go without. I don’t want the poor to fret when unhealthy, I also dont want only one gas or cable supplier… but…

I do not feel its the Federal Governments place to become a substantial provider and decision maker regarding the lives of its people. The future role of government is getting much much larger and with that will come control. With that control comes loss of freedoms, liberty and ability to choose freely.

Those that dont get the big picture may never see where this is coming from. Those that are content as employees and minyons may find the future less stressful or more routine and guided. They will also grow a sence of entitlement as the government provides more and more and thus makes more decisions for them…all on the backs of the higher wage earners.

This is not to say there is not MASSIVE corruption across the board, because there is, and it should be penalized harshly.From banks, to politicians, to corporations, the corruption has cost us hundreds or billions, and maybe trillions in value…NOTHING COMPAFRED to WHAT OBAMA HAS PROPOSED AND SIGNED…and he pushed it through on fear and crisis talk… giving congress less than 24 hours to read 800 pages, when each page effectively spent ONE BILLION dollars, was redicilous. I do not feel any memeber who voted on this package should have a job come next election cycle. I am not demanding a party change, just a change to someone who will fight for the people by FUCKING READING WHAT THEY SIGN BEFORE THEY SIGN IT. This is Americas Future, not some fucking mortgage contract for one home, car or television.

Fuk it, I’ll make mine… the small business wannbe owners in this place are up for a huge battle, along with those that have or will have children to pay for Obamanomics.

I predict that Obama will do something to appease small business and will do so before the next congressional election cycle. I also predict that in the short term, paychecks will see a small increase, until all the good tax breaks expire and the new taxes fall into place. Don’t be fooled by what might happen short term. Im out, and off to work.


where the hell is there a basketball court in arbor hill? I drive through it everyday to get to work :shifty

you missed my entire point completely! i didn’t anything about ME making money or wanting a ton of money. i was talking about the harsh conditions of the workers from the past during when america thought it was best be be laissez-faire. what laissez-faire (let it be) capitalism is, is unregulated business. The gov’t has no say in what business do and how they act. what JClark calls economics; what i call exploitation.

we need a watch dog of a government for human and worker’s right, if we didnt have people like unions, or activist back in the late 1800’s we still would be working those long days for little pay and no benefits. capitialism is suited only for a few select elites. As I was explaining earlier, America wasn’t the power house it was known as because of our good ethics and hard work. It was our nasty dealings, hidden agendas and bad morals that caused other countries to be our bitch and do our hard work for us while we (the few elites) reaped the benefits. This isnt opinion here; this is fact.

Again look up the Monroe Doctrine, Liberal-Developmentalism, Dollar Diplomacy and even check out Wilsonianism to get a taste of how we were in the expansion of our Anglo-Saxon Protestant culture and “ethics” for business ventures.

As far as obama is concerned. we are fucked to begin with. he is a wall st. puppet and will do what they want him to do. mccain was no better choice either.

Wow, this thread is long.

Just want to say first off that I’m a card carrying Republican (conservative and always will be).

But the REAL problem with our world toady is CORRUPTION.

Corruption with govermment …

Corruption with banking institutions …

Corruption with corporations …

Corruption with people in general …

(even corruption within myself if I’m not dilligent about my own actions)

CORRUPTION. That’s what brought us this mess.