I'm done playin in Obamanomics

no it was terrorists.

I’m sorry but I don’t hold the same sympathy as you. My idea of human rights is simple to a degree. Survival of the fittest.

If someone lacks the brainpower/willpower to be able to go above being a coal mine worker than that’s the way it is. Same with business. If you fail, it’s because YOU made a mistake somewhere. There is no other excuse.

I am so sick of everyone complaining that life isn’t fair, blah blah blah. Well here is some news for everyone. Life NEVER will be fair. So stop trying to pretend that it will happen.

I’m not the smartest person, nor the richest. But you will never see me vote for a law that makes the people who are smarter/richer than me pay for my mistakes. Which is why I don’t believe in welfare or universal health care. The new stimulus package even contains money for small business’s like me, but guess what? No matter how badly I need it or don’t need it, im not touching it.

+1. I dont support ANY handholding or protection for the stupid at the expense of the prosperous.

We disagree then …

If “survival of the fittest” were true, then there wouldn’t even be a human race alive today!

It’s all about trying to help each other out (the other person must be willing to accept the help and use that assistance to improve themsleves).

That’s how it works in the military. That’s how it works in my job as a firefighter.

That’s just how it works! Nobody’s got “all the goods” in this life …

We’ve been in disagreement since you bought a Cavalier with a supercharger on it.

Cobalt - Intelligence is a factor in survival of the fittest, that’s why humans are alive.

Um…proposing that the solution to the problem is for everyone to help each other out is funny but unrealistic. The only thing you can count on in this world is people being selfish and greedy. It’s the only thing you can actually expect to happen.

Protect yourself from everyone else’s greed and you’ll be alright. Live in the notion that everyone needs to help each other and you’ll get trampled by people trying to make a living beyond bare minimum.

Your wrong. If it were survival of the fittest the human race would be better off. We would not be supporting those who can help themselves, they would be forced to work in order to survive. In turn our economy would be better off. The military and firefighter are examples of jobs that require assitance from everyone involved. It has to. Life on the other hand does not.

It’s not my fault that people took out more credit than they could afford. Their dumbasses made that mistake. So why should my tax dollars go to them? I’m not the one who made that mistake. And yet i’m paying for it.

what about people that face disasters, like katrina and earthquakes… is that just too bad for them?

Hey man, if you can’t battle that hurricane away you don’t deserve help.

If you’re an infant or cripple, well then you’re fuckin fucked mayn.

There will always be groups that raise money to help people in need. People CHOOSE to give money to those groups, they are not forced to. If a tree falls on my car, I dont expect you to pay for it so I can get to work. I have insurance to protect me. If I didnt have insurance, it still doesnt make it your problem.

As for people living below sea level with a 60+ year old levy system… Darwinism?

Helping people is super. I’m all for it. But mandating we all receive the same help NO MATTER WHAT, on everyone else’s dollar, is bullcrap.

Couldn’t have said it better.

pretty much how i see this thread. kinda fucking sad.

just remember, it was most of your ancestors that were doing the back breaking labor that couldnt get a head 100 years ago. are you calling them stupid too? times have changed and even with new technology people are still fucked and it’s not their fault. abuse in power, wealth and greed are causing a lot of harm in this world but you people are saying ehh fuck em, “darwinism.” these people never had a chance and never will with the rate this shit is going.

look at how it was for anyone that wasnt of english/scottish, german and dutch decent back in the 1800/early 1900s. if you were irish, italian or from eastern europe you were pretty fucked too. throughout America’s history unless you were an Anglo-Saxon Protestant you were scum and were discriminated against.

How are people fucked? 90% of people have the same opportunities that I have. It’s what they do with those opportunities that matter.

I know many cases, including people very close to me, who have come from complete dirt, to self made millionaires. Why? They didn’t make stupid mistakes and they used the resources they had.

Are there circumstances when people won’t have those resources. Yes. But again, sorry, that’s the shit end of the stick.

The problem in this country is that people are being rewarded for making mistakes and people are being led to believe in a false image of themselves. i.e nice house, nice car, nice boat, when they can’t even afford it.

And why does this happen? Because the government helps them make this mistake by giving them money or credit they don’t deserve.

you mean the banks make the mistake of crediting them because the banks are greedy and are not that regulated… then these people cant pay the money back so the banks are fucked

I never said hard working people were stupid. Even the guy doing the back breaking labor. Quite the contrary actually. I admire and applaude every hardworking person worldwide. Laziness is one of the worst qualities in a person and they certainly are not lazy. Most of this thread has been, at its core, about lazy people and their sense of self-entitlement without worth.

The people that drive me crazy are the ones that go to their jobs and piss and moan that they arent paid enough. A job is worth whatever the employer thinks its worth. If he can get workers to do it to the necessary caliber for $9/hr, then $9/hr it is. But when the government steps in and forces that employer to restructure his finances and business model to pay a bunch of whiners more money, that’s not fair. Business owners are responsible for ALL of the risk, and therefore they should get the reward, not an employee who will fly by the seat of his pants to a new job for $9.10/hr.

-Everyone wants to make more money- that’s not what this is about. People need to go out and EARN more money. If you want to be the boss, go start a business and bleed for it every day for 15 years before you can afford to eat anything better than Raman Noodles (then tell me how it feels to have employees whining to the government about money while they’ve enjoyed their cozy 401k life for those 15 years). If you want to earn more money but dont want to start a business, DO SOMETHING to earn your money. Come up with a new idea, save your company/employer some money - NOW you’re worth more money and will receive it. If you dont receive it, your employer hasnt valued your participation any higher.

Racism sucks. But for every racist in the world, there are a couple hundred million other people that dont care about the color of your skin and would love to hire you based on your merits (and pay you accordingly).

We’re currently looking to hire someone but we’re on a tight budget like every other business. If we cant find someone of the necessary quality to do the job we need done for $x, we’ll go without another employee until we can. Just because the numbers dont make everyone happy, doesnt mean there will be more money to spend.

Free capitalism creates monopolies (in theory, but I dont disagree with you here) which are difficult for new businesses to overcome. I personally dont believe gov regulation should go beyond that because every law passed outside of that has reduced the reward a business owner rightfully has earned and gives it to the employee who can put food on the table solely because that business owner took on that risk.

Double edged sword: People were just as greedy and unregulated to by houses they couldnt afford.

But the government should have been regulating that… the gov should have said to the banks you cannot give out this much money because these people are liable to not pay it back

Disagree. I dont think the gov should have a say in what a business does. Then the government could step in and tell Walmart not to sell PS3s because they dont think the profit margin is fat enough.

Truly I would love to see all the banks and auto manufacturers fail all by their lonesome. It would be a huge mess but we’d come out of it stronger than ever instead of this half-assed, saved the retards plan we have now.

Who’s idea was it to apply for money in the first place?

It’s not the banks fault people took out credit they couldn’t afford. It’s the people.

The banks made the mistake, with help from the Clinton Administration during his term, by giving out credit as a short term solution to our last recession. Now the banks are feeling it big time and so are a lot of people.

ALL due to the fact consumers made bad decisions. Why should I pay for their mistakes?

Because it’s not fair? ha