I'm done playin in Obamanomics

pretty much how i see this thread. kinda fucking sad.

just remember, it was most of your ancestors that were doing the back breaking labor that couldnt get a head 100 years ago. are you calling them stupid too? times have changed and even with new technology people are still fucked and it’s not their fault. abuse in power, wealth and greed are causing a lot of harm in this world but you people are saying ehh fuck em, “darwinism.” these people never had a chance and never will with the rate this shit is going.

look at how it was for anyone that wasnt of english/scottish, german and dutch decent back in the 1800/early 1900s. if you were irish, italian or from eastern europe you were pretty fucked too. throughout America’s history unless you were an Anglo-Saxon Protestant you were scum and were discriminated against.