I'm done playin in Obamanomics

what is sicko?

some michael moore propaganda bs film… ie: Fahrenheit 9/11

I realize the intent behind the film, to stir shit up…but I’d really like to hear an opposing argument…it’s INSANE how much health care costs here, and there’s only one way to describe US Health Insurance/Health Care facilites: CORRUPT AS FUK.

oh man f that shit. i got better things to do with my time.

I’m actually writing an argumentative paper on Universal Healthcare, so any opposing arguments are GREATLY appreciated.

Please explain how the banking system and the Fed are setup to fuck over the working class, as you so eloquently put it?

The last part of your post makes me think you dont have a clue how the Fed works.

It’s really worth watching and I guarantee you it will hold your attention.

And make you hate your country :rofl

You guys really consider trying to run a profitable business corruption?

Why would someone start a business and use it to give away the farm? They do it to make money for themselves. Charging a lot of money IS NOT corruption, it’s business. Dont like it? Go somewhere else. No one is forcing you to buy healthcare. If you cant afford it, you cant buy it.

ever heard of business ethics?

I don’t think healthcare should be a business, that’s what is corrupt about it in my opinion.

I have actually. Tell me why its a business’s responsibility to give away profits to help people.

Businesses fudging its books to scam employees and shareholders? Unethical. Businesses making money in completely legal ways? Ethical.

Ok so in universal healthcare, please tell me why I have to pay for a smoker’s lung transplant with my money? Why do I have to pay for some kid’s runny nose?

I’ll pay for my health issues, you pay for yours.

Ok so we’ll relate it to something that is universal already.

Your house is on fire, you don’t have the resources to have it put out, and can’t afford a fire truck or hoses to connect to the fire hydrant, or the fire hydrant to begin with.

What do I care? You can’t afford a fire truck, hoses, a hydrant, and the installation why should I pay for it? Burn or pay for it yourself, right?

Are there people in yoru family that are not well off?

What if they got diagnosed with leukemia and were refused treatment because they had a yeast infection 10 years ago that they didn’t disclose to their insurance company? Or the treatment was considered experimental? I bet you wouldn’t mind paying another 5% of your income for your life to save their life would you?

Business ethics are a joke. Yes, I took 3 business ethics classes and fought with my professor in each one.

Healthcare is NOT a right. It is an OPTION, provided you got your sorry ass off the couch and worked hard enough to get it.

And have you seen the effects of Universal health care in Canada? Sure your all set if you get the flu but need heart surgery? Guess what. Your on your way to the US for it, and have to pay out of pocket.

Universal Health Care degrades the level of care we currently have. Hospitals and doctors compete to get the patients because HEALTH CARE IS A PROFITABLE INDUSTRY. This competition makes our care as good as it can get. Universal HC takes away the competitive edge because now everyone gets paid the same amount. The level of care you receive is going to plummet along with the number of specialist doctors. Meaning, you need heart surgery? Your fucked.

Um, I bought insurance like smart people do so that while it burns, I can hang out with you, drinking beer and roasting marshmallows.

Public safety (firefighters/police) is not the same as healthcare (insurance).

Healthcare is expensive. Health insurance is less expensive. Not having health insurance is a gamble people take. If Failvis loses $1000 gambling at Turning Stone, should I have to pay for it? No, but the liberal Shift tards will throw him a fundraiser, which he’ll use to then rip off Pants Party.

Bottom line is there are means out there to minimize the damage life can cause but people CHOOSE not to heed warnings, get injured in this case, and then cry for help when they cant afford it.

*** I’m talking about the middle class views on this forum, dont feel let getting into a Medicaid/Medicare debate.

Edit: Added Fizz’s quote.

You guys are so focused on health insurance but I’m talking about not needing health insurance.

Give doctor’s incentives; make your patients lose weight/quit smoking/drop cholesterol points and you’ll get paid more.

There’s your competitive edge…it’s not socialism or communism, it’s actually caring that your citizens are healthy instead of how much you’re getting paid at the next election.

so who would pay the doctors? They make their money from treating people, what good are they if no one needs them? doctors are doctors, they aren’t life coaches. you are sick, they will treat you. They aren’t paid to plan out your life.

Same way cops/firefighters get paid, brah.

More taxes.

I just realized why you guys are arguing against Universal Health Care :rofl

You make butt tons of loot and therefore would be getting taxed the most heavily, it all makes sense now. :rofl

You know there are rich people in countries with Universal health care too, right?


Because were not in the feudal ages

talk to any canadian (one that isn’t dirt poor)… it sucks