im gay

of course the electric bill would have been lower had his car never been there as well, right? late nights of fiddling with the car= higher bills

all u no0bs suck & dont know shit(-whitey)

that car was so devin’d up

:rofl: i’ll never forget that first time doing the tranny! or how about when the downpipe was not even attached!

ok this is why I stopped doing things without jeffs supervision heh.

people told me burnyd used to sit in the back yard as a kid talking to a toaster…
" the humans expect nothing, continue as planned"

that would of been funny in second grade when I would of punched you in the face with an emo fag and beat you with your steve earkle lunch box.

you’d beat me with an emo fag? :bowrofl: wtf

lol damn cursor on this laptop keeps on moving… I hate these things… it causes me to go into pewter mode.

i just picture you picking up some emo kid and beating someone with him :bowrofl:



Fuck You.


close thread… I know all of you fuckers have been closing they others !

U talk about beating ass back in the day,but u were a toothpick and u couldnt even beat ur own dick,so what gives?

what movie did you steal that off… I think you were suppost to quote fba on that one.

No movie,see…u misunderstand my IQ slappy
