i'm gonna be a daddy again!

just found out! :beer:

I apologize :kiss:



awsome congrads

Big Congrats !

:beer: :beer: :beer: :beer: :beer: :beer: :beer: :beer: :beer: :beer:

Who’s the lucky Gal? :naughty:

I couldn’t resist…Big congrats to Newchic too! :angel:

My wife is do may 7

Congrats rabbit!


I spent the day playing with my gf’s 22 month old godson. I love little kids, I just don’t want any of my own for a while.

congrats man, good work :beer:

we shall call it… eurokid


congrats man

Congrats! Time for a minivan…

that’s not funny. she said if we get another vehicle, the golf goes and we get a minivan and i’ have to drive it. :frowning:

Oh no! You need some place to hide the Golf, like the owner’s manual for the chip. :doh:

What about an inexpensive used van? Start thinking up ways out now. Or just put your foot down like I did with the SUV. (ibetwebuyacherokee)

Excursion :yum:

yea right, SUV’s are the worst invenstments ever.

Now a new Variant PAssat or Jetta would fit the role much better than an SUV or minivan and they’re still pimpable :naughty:

Maybe twins… :eek4dance :eek4dance

Try this: http://cgi.ebay.com/ebaymotors/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItem&category=6728&item=4534042271&rd=1

3 kids != Jetta or Passat.

congrats, eurodad