I'm gonna make love to the geico lizard

mine went from 1300 a year to 800 a year… with MUCHO tickets… geico rules…

same exact coverage too…

no shit…the point is that it should be covered with no deductible like every other insurance company.

seriously… geico saves u like 500-700-1k or more a year, and u MIGHT have to spend $ 150 on a windshield. i think it’s worth it. plus u can get full glass, but then obviously your payment will go up. personally in 9 years i’ve never had any issues w/ glass… maybe a small ding here or there, nothing requiring replacement though.

and to jager - the point is, why does everyone have to find SOMETHING to complain about? take the money and run. fuck. quit whining. don’t drive behind construction vehicles / salt trucks / on roads made of loose rock?? lol

so i guess if they should cover glass like “every other” insurance company, then they should charge as much as them too, right?

Those little Geico lizzards hang out on my front porch all the friggen time. Every time I come home from work there is usually one chillin on my front porch railing sunning himself.

It’s friggen cool down here…

ha ha ha

anybody care to comment on this one? any experience?

WOW, such hostility. SOMETHING to complain about? I am pointing out the fact that GEICO is not perfect. Yes, maybe you save some money, but not always $500+/ year. I saved about $200 a year compared to others.

I have never had a claim with GEICO and frankly, I am concerned that when the day comes when my car gets wrecked, I will get fucked over by them for some B.S. stipulation.

AND, they can charge less, b/c they are a primarily electronic document, internet based company with significantly less overhead than your neighborhood insurance agent. Atleast with the local insurance agent you can drive down the street and punch him in the dick if he tries to fuck you over, versus having to attempt to verbally bitch slap someone over the phone…

They couldn’t save me any loot. I pay 430 every 6 on two cars, one with full coverage and a 250 D, and the other has just comp. Grico wanted like 6xx something.

they do have a HQ here in the buffalo area. There will be tons of dicks to be punched

Christ man, i’m going to geico when my allstate policy runs out.

Try this one out. 98 f150, 96 thunderbird, full coverage on both.

Allstate 675.30
Geico 340.00

i’m 24.

i know nothing about the actual auto insurance, ut when it comes to them covering medical expenses for no fault accidents they don’t pay out. when i worked for a neurosurgeon i spent hours on the phone with geico because they simply wouldn’t pay medical bills on no fault accidents. So, i second the comment…if you have geico please don’t hit me because ill be injured for life and my car will never get fixed :lol:

ill stick with my allstate… geico was more on my insurance

someone with geico hit me in my DD, totally his fault and he tried to act like it was my fault… but i pwned geico and won which got me $2500

Talked to the geico dude today.

As it turns out Allstate put an accident on my record that they shouldn’t have.

Last summer an idiot with no brakes and no insurance rear ended me in the tbird on elmwood. I had his ass arrested by the BPD.

This bumped my insurance rate up about 125 bucks per year.

But they still killed allstate on price. Allstate $1350.60 per year, Geico $807.40, savings of $543.20.

Same exact coverage, for one 96 tbird, and one 98 roush f150.


So the agent says I have a “not at fault” accident on my record, which bumped my rate

seriously though just make sure with geico that you do not get into an accident that they might have to pay for, i have heard nothing but horror stories about it. But thats the price you pay to sace some money, shitty customer service

i saved 1600 a year :tspry:

i have heard the same about geico as most others have said - horrible service.

i have always had state farm, and their customer service has been great.


$635 every 6 months on the Liberty with full coverage. I’m with State Farm. 23 yr old male. It will go down again when I’m 25.