IM NEW!!!! lol

Save up some money and buy something from the classified section on this forum.

Why? Because alot of people go through the same problem that people are trying to warn you about.

There is always a ton of nice deals on this forum,for a fraction of what they invested into it.

I have a friend who is thinking about turboing his saturn.I think he has like 3 of them now.i wouldnt do it personally but at least you have plans.I wish i saved a little more money for a faster stock car but i still love my car to death.If i didnt have so many aftermarket parts sitting in my room i would have already abandoned my project

thats weak lol

well its that and me wrecking a part of it,And then shit breaking every other week.I wish i would have found one that a mexican did not own.

timing chain broke
spark plug blew out of head(rethread headthen)
wires arching
low compression now
wheel bearing
many electrical issues
rims were bent to start with then i wrecked them
i leak so much of every fluid
Power steering line blew off
not to mention i needa new center link,u joint




to all of you guys that have had problems with working on cars and throwing money away think about it like this. newman, i remember you had like 3 shitboxes way back when u used to ride up and quality and then you got that maxima i think it was? that was a real nice car. then i dunno what u did after that i dont remember. my point is that without thos years of going through cars you would possibly not be in the same position your in now car wise. its time and effort and money as a whole and altho yes, you may lose some money its the experience you obtained with what you had. we all started with shit and worked out way up. i personaly lost a great deal of money on a few cars that i dont ever think about anymore, but the knowledge i got from my time spent with the losing money, at shops dumping my wallets contents on a desk, laying on my driveway working on my talon, at a diesel pump thinking this is fucking awsome standing next to a bmw, joining this forum the day i got my talon and feeling like i was apart of something, however small it may have been. thats what it really all comes down to. i’v learned so much from failure in the last few years that i know ill remember for the rest of my life and its made me become a bit more savy when it comes to life, not just car buying/modding. so again, I say this guys got a saturn that HE likes, HE wants to work on and HE doesnt mind spending the time and money on it. and if its only a car to buzz around in who the fuck cares.

Who cares? Its a saturn…least its american.

Whats considered fast or “worth it” to you guys anyways? Honestley? Most of these more expensive cars arent faster than a medium modded satty thats N/A that can pull mid to low 14’s N/A and still get 30+ MPG. Add some boost and a good driver and it will beat 75% of the cars on the road. GO even further and its going to stick with $40K + $50K cars. And yes its a saturn. Thats the best part.

I make an offer: have a budget build off. Since its so expensive to mod a piece of shit saturn, then you guys must be right anyways. Make a dollar ammount you could spend on buying the car and mods say $3000 or whatever, then race, at the 1/4 and auto X. I would do it. I have a 97 Sc2 we bought for $1700 sitting here right now, unmodded, just waiting and my GF is going to drive it.

Mike? Is that you?

omg please let this thread die.

Welcome :wave:

make yourself at home

Hope you have fun modding your car, which is what this forums about.

Please, no more saturn sackriders

I will absofuckinglutely destroy you in any budget buildoff where you’re using a Saturn. That is a promise.


Nevar Let the saturn thread DIE!~!!!11111

Bring it bitch

^^^^ur gonna buy a honda or dsm :stuck_out_tongue:



Wait did I mention it has to run for more than a week and be FWD??

Hahahaha. I’ve gotta stop by the shop one of these days, I miss seeing you guys.^^

Trust me, it wouldn’t be a Honda or DSM. FWD is not a problem. Hell, if that 350whp Saturn is the best you have, I’d take that out too.

omg tim look what you started LMAO!!

btw im gonna bring up this link again

sat’s can get more than 350hp btw…

you must smoke some real good crack…

Who gives a shit about HP, its not about a big dyno number…its about racing.

I do not smoke crack. But Tea, I smoke tea rolled in notebook paper. Preferably celstial seasonings “sleepy time”

Seriously I would be down for a budget build off. I think it’d be fun. It would have to be fair, and compromises would have to be made. It would have to be watched over by a intermediate person or party. Obviously the 1st step would be agreeing on an amount. And then agreeing on guidelines.

But everyone can get as pissy and sarcastic as they want about it and apply liberous ammounts of Vitamin E lotion to their labia and say what they want, I dont care.