I'm not a Skyline humper but...

…and it is already a big heavy pig…

The Mustangs and Caddillacs had a good run in the Speed world challenge time for another heavy powerful car to step up.

werd, and the audis seemed to do just fine. i think there is just hate for hates sake. just because there are too many humpers doesnt make the car any less awesome.

No, my hate goes back 20 years… I’ve been rooting against Nissan since the GTP days when they were running against Chevy. :stuck_out_tongue:

tha OG hatta

IIRC every race a car wins in that series they get 50 or 100 lbs. So i have to take the reults with a grain of salt. Only if they could get with the program and have the cars regulated like NASCAR.

The RS6’s were pig heavy and still did well… they were running something like 800hp

And that was with the rewards weight. Audis did well, I don’t see why the skyline can’t assuming it will have the same level of support.

Damn Brett, that is some old school hate. :slight_smile:




i HEART skylines…sorry