im not stuped


Yea but it got waaaay out of line when you said those things man… I think you really scared people… I just dont know now man… Im soo cold… I can see my breath in here… This is scary… James? Is that you?

^ stop whacking off in the morgue

Hmm… thats a pretty clean 81 Camaro you got there…

haha i even told you i was gonna say something to purposely get u mad and u still did… ur a true clown. i think by the looks of you all i’ll have to do is offer you one my

and ur chubby ass will be like mmmmmmcakes…


Well, I’m 17 and a senior in high school, and the dumb niggers in my school can type with better grammar and punctuation than your Texas ass. You should just shut the fuck up before you make yourself look more like a retard…Uh oh, too late.

yah way to late we have gone over this

I’m glad you’ve figured that out cock shiner.

and we also decide how big of a fag you are

Please explain to me how that makes any sence at all. I mean, if that doesn’t over heat your tiny brain.

I’m pretty sure that a prerequisite to work in a Mercedes Benz dealership is that you indeed know how to spell Mercedes Benz.

Nice that you publish your license plate on the interweb. It will be much easier to locate you.

My first thought when I saw this thread.

HMM they kinda look alike

I don’t really feel like reading this entire thread but that’s ok, I got the general idea.

I almost went to Texas to go to school, at UTI in fact.

Mercedes, and all the other high end companies, won’t hire a stupid fuck who can’t even spell. So shut up, it’s not going to happen because I know you’re not going to be in the top of your class with the lack of intelligence.

I’m also positive most of the people on this site are more successful then you ever will be.

Awesome, you were a bully in high-school because you were embarrassed to be in the sped classes. Congrats, you’re a badass.

Oh, and go away.

well the funny thing is i got a 4.0 so kiss my ass, and i allredy work for them so i dont nd imput frome some pussy who was to scared to leave his mommy

awe thats cute you found your graduation picture

o and to bad that plates not even mine that was the old owners

Your doing body work, on Mercedes Benz’s? I doubt that a car company like them would hire someone who has a so called “learning disability” to do their body work. It MIGHT happen. But Making $25/hour? And just getting out of school? I HIGHLY doubt that. Theres no one I know thats even under 21 making that much. Anywhere. And they’re a hell of a lot smarter than you.

you dont have to be smart to fix cars look at chip foose he cant read for shit

Oh, your right. So does this mean you put the clear coat on first?

[QUOTE=mtparker18;792901]Oh, your right. So does this mean you put the clear coat on first?

no smart ass