I'm not sure what happened here...though I know I was bored and motivated

[19:28] jjwm82: was talkigngasdjfkaJDFK TO ADAM ON THE PHONE
[19:28] jjwm82: caps for you
[19:28] jjwm82: lol
[19:29] krazykaos137: …
[19:29] krazykaos137: wow.
[19:29] jjwm82: i’m not nuts
[19:29] jjwm82: i’m almond
[19:29] jjwm82: ROFL
[19:29] jjwm82: :stuck_out_tongue:
[19:29] krazykaos137: jesus christ did aj feed you cocaine or something
[19:29] jjwm82: jnoooooooo
[19:29] jjwm82: i ate all of rocky’s cat nip though
[19:29] jjwm82: muahahahahahahahahahahahaha
[19:29] krazykaos137: you are so freaking me out right now
[19:30] jjwm82: it’s really going to freak you out when i come home and you find out i’m really a mexican here on an expired green card
[19:30] jjwm82: thenw hat huh?
[19:30] jjwm82: HUH?
[19:30] jjwm82: WHAT WILL WE DO?!?
[19:30] jjwm82: i’ll be DEPORTED
[19:30] jjwm82: you’ll be ALONE
[19:30] jjwm82: and SCARED
[19:30] krazykaos137: or you can marry me and stay? i r legal citizen
[19:30] jjwm82: and ROCKY will be left with a ZBROKEN HOME
[19:30] jjwm82: BROKEN HOME CAT
[19:30] jjwm82: noooooooooOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO
[19:30] jjwm82: not for my ROCKY
[19:30] jjwm82: i will NOT let THAT happen to HIM
[19:31] jjwm82: i WILL change the WORLD
[19:31] jjwm82: and make it LEGAL for ME to be HERE
[19:31] krazykaos137: JESUS CHRIST WTF IS WRONG WTIH YOU
[19:31] krazykaos137: im going to smoke
[19:31] krazykaos137: i can’t handle you right now.
[19:31] jjwm82: i will build a SMALL lientu inside of YOUR vagina
[19:31] jjwm82: and seek refuge there
[19:31] jjwm82: until the ins leaves me the FUCK alone
[19:31] krazykaos137: my friend charlie works for the ins
[19:32] jjwm82: no
[19:32] jjwm82: nO
[19:32] jjwm82: NO
[19:32] krazykaos137: lol
[19:32] jjwm82: i will pay the pussy troll DOUBLE to keep CHUKY from crossing my fucking BRIDGE
[19:32] jjwm82: charles will NOT be in CHARGE of ME
[19:32] jjwm82: that FUCKING asshole
[19:32] krazykaos137: LOL
[19:33] krazykaos137: TONY DANZAAAAA!
[19:33] jjwm82: done
[19:33] jjwm82: okay
[19:33] jjwm82: go smoke
[19:33] jjwm82: love you



Mmm…drugs…drugs are bad…mmmkay. And if you do drugs…then…then you are bad…mmmkay

we have a thread for this


that made me want to do this :ahh:ahh:ahh:ahh a lot

but i was seriously LOLing… good stuff… sounds like something i would do…

Can’t believe this is happening 2 minutes down the road from me :rofl

Oh, you better believe it.

Will you ask your mommy to make me brownies!? :excited

Only if Justin gives me a free tune this weekend :lol

nan zajacs browniez aint got shit on momma kramer’s browniez


Excuse me. It’s Nan Cannon. She kept her maiden name duh :Idiots

i searched.
i couldn’t find.
i made.
i won.
i love you all.

it says nan zajac on all the pinehaven shit…fail

caz - weather looks GOOD for SUNDAY. we will have some FUN :slight_smile:

Indeed :thumbup

Bring brownies, or I will be the fun police and be out in full effect. :stuck_out_tongue:

If the shoe fits…

fun police :rofl