I'm On A Boat

No, really. I am.
Carnival cruise for the next seven days. See ya’ll bitches later.

Does use the internet on your phone while your out there if you have verizon.

Some dude did that for 2 hours in international waters and got a $27000 phone bill. lol

do you have your flippy floppies on?

Are you going to fuck a mermaid?

he can thank the cruise ship for that. most ships now have their own tower on the boat. once your off the dock its 2.99 a minute for voice calls and .005 cents per kilobyte. i had a woman who came into the store with a 1700 bill from just calling back and forth while on the boat.

thats not even that bad

some guy got billed $62000 for downloading Wall-E during his business trip in Mexico:eek3

Take pics of wimmenz.


Does saaid boat have twinkies ??

Lotsa Buffets on the cruises… don’t let your eyes be bigger than your stomach. Wait…err… thats so wrong. Sorry man, Luv u

Enjoy your cruise pal. Dont forget to take cp pics