I'm quitting cigarettes


Its all with the mind. If you really want to quit you will.


word, i quit cold turkey… had one brief relapse about 3 years later for a month before my wedding (only like 3-4 a day though) because i was getting stressed the fuck out but quit again on the honeymoon and haven’t looked back.

The absolute worst is friends that smoke, it is the surefire way to get sucked back in. Try not to hang around any of them for at least a month or you have no fucking chance IMO

edit: also vacations really help… being very relaxed makes it easier I think, getting out of your routines help a lot. All smokers have their times that they always smoke, like driving, after eating, while drinking, right after waking up, blah blah blah. Do something that breaks the routine, when you are driving chew gum or get some cinnamon sticks. After eating same deal. When you’re drinking don’t sit outside on the patio. When you get up in the morning replace that first step to grab a smoke and go for a run or something. It is all about the HABIT, you need to break the cycle up.