I'm so heated right now

So my Grl’z Best friend has this Ass hole for a Husband right. Well Friday i went out in my good graces to buy her best friend a cell phone in my name because his ussless ass wont pay the home phone bill and have turned back on… seeing that she has 3 kids and is my wifes best friend, why not help her out right? Well she calls us this morning briefly from a unknown phone saying that her husband must of smashed her phone because she woke up and its in 1000’s of peices. I Woke up and was like WTF. Got dressed and FLEW over there. All he keeps saying is come over and I’ll call the police “If ya know me, I dont give a shit” She i proceed. Get there and this fucker is hiding downstairs. Okay kewl. Ill just cal the police and file a report so I can at least take him to court for it. Well then he comes up ready to start shit again, So I blew the fuck up and start running my mouth at him, All he’s telliong me is yeah go ahead, im untouchable! :cjerk: Lol.

So rather than me beat his ass and myself end up in jail. I just left in pure anger.

What would you guys say to do to recover this money for the phone.
Plus not to mention, He’s a Women beater, So he did push her to the ground also during this bitch match. So I’d like to have his ass beat somehow also! lol

Its just a fucked up situation

well, if u just got the phone u can cancel the service. but, whereever u got the phone is gonna want it back, otherwise they are gonna charge u the difference from the retail price to the subsidised price you paid for the phone.

Ha, i was smart and got it from Cricket. So the phone is owned


  1. Call the police anyone can file a domestic dispute complaint
  2. If he made a threat against you file assault charges
  3. Call child services.


Never help anyone again, mind my own business and hope to hell this guy never crosses my path again. Marriage was a willing choice to this bitch and no one held a gun to her head. Fucking him up would be a bad thing for you in the long run with your wife anyhow. The other guys wife will feel bad for him and it would create bad blood between your wife and her friend. Then she will take it out on you. Who needs that headache over a cell phone.


fuck getting involved with someone else’s issues. you can’t win this one. just got out of her affairs as quickly as possible.

yeah your getting yourself into something that can only lead to bad shit. dont get involved in other peoples marriage problems. consider this one a lesson.


agree with all but #2, you need marks on your body to file assault charges. As far as child services, im all for it, cause they will inconvienece him enough to get even, and take him to court for the phone, then thats another thron in his side. If your lucky he will try something stupid and make you look better.

although i can see hes a dick head,i can understand smashing it i mean if my someone bought my girl a phone its like challenging his man hood

I try to help people whenever I can, but unfortunatly this is one of those situations you really can’t get that involved in. You’ll end up screwing yourself.

Yeah but it was just meant to be a gift from my wife so they could continue to talk with each other because he cant step up to the plate! Only because she dont have credit to do so, I paid for it and put it in my name!

I just feel as if I was stepped on being its only 2 days old and wasnt his money. But guess I’ll get over it and take it as a lesson.

Nice guys never win man…you try to do something nice that would help a person and it blows up into your face.

Nice guys need diplomatic immunity and lots of guns

kick him down the stairs. accidents happen

curb stomp :tup:

for a consultation, call me

I’m a professional human disposal…many years in this particular field

+1 :tup:

just pile a bunch of stuff on teh 3rd or 4th stair from the top … as if someone left something sitting there … best if its just one or 2 things, like a paint can or a stack of books

and seriously, this dudes ife has to get her own bnk acount and start making her own little savings account … and its probably best if its in someone elses name so it cant be traced back to her and the statements dont come to her house for dickhead to find

this way she can slowly build up enough money to get an appartment and take her kids with her

another good idea is to get plenty of his threats on tape … record phone calls where he threatens you, get arguments between dickhead and his wife on tape … anytime she comes over to the house get a shot of her bruises, even if she doesnt notice you doing it …

if you ever take him to court and he makes the statement “i never hit my wife” … you have proof hes a liar

if she divorces him, you have a nice box of divorce presents for her … and its the kind of stuff an abused wife SHOULD document but never does

Some women are afraid to leave that type of situation. They feel that they can’t succeed in life on their own. It adds even more to the pile since she has 3 kids. The guy sounds like a piece of shit and she needs to get out for hers and the kids sake.

But that is her decision to make and not anyone elses. You can give her some guidance on where to go or refer her to counseling, and even to the point of dropping her off there, but she has to open the door.

And as for you buying her the phone, that was a very nice gesture, but him destroying it is his way of trying to show that he dominates the relationship and overpowers her.

Sounds like a real shitty situation and I’m not envyous of anyone in it. Hopefully with some people that care about her trying to help her get out of it, something good will come of this.

If I ever witnessed a guy beating a woman or a kid, I don’t know if I would be able to control myself and would probably beat the shit (or attempt to) out of him. Any guy that beats women/children is a weak coward.

my parents got divorced a little over a year ago cuz my dad is a dick. those are all the things my mom did and it only helped.