i'm so SIQQQ!

You guys just killed a good half hour of my day with all this.

Love it.


j_espo1 - It’s not locked because it’s OT. No one forces you to read this shit.

ok? it’s a good thing ot doesn’t count towards your posts.

I bet that guy in the banhammer pictures is such a softy…

Yeah, um, hi? :wave: Nig/Niggy/Nigger is a racial slur. Period. It might be nice to think that because you personally give it a different meaning that it’s OK to use, but it’s not OK. It is a racial slur born of and propogated by racial hate.

I’m not saying you can’t exercise your freedom of speech. Just pointing out that you’re kidding yourself if you try to say that it is not a highly offensive racial slur. Don’t bother pointing out a Chris Rock standup act. That doesn’t change anything.

hector :lol:

Oh the irony…


dude, please give it a rest and stop with the ignorant bullshit


this was like a day ago. thanks for joining on the bandwagon

Born: 1988


Says a lot when you spend so much time trying to shut down an 18 year old. As if the world would be a better place. Or somehow in someway I’ll change my opinion on how my views are towards the world.

I wish people got beat up more often IRL for stuff they say on the internet.


OT: ChevyChase did you mount bindings to a board right after new years this year? A yellow rossi decoy?

I want a round of applause for this man. I don’t like it at all when people bring up Chris Rock’s HBO special as an excuse to use that word. That’s one man, he [left]doesnt[/left] represent an entire group of people’s [left]opinion[/left].

Probably not, I would of remembered the Rossi Decoy. I didn’t work at Buffalo Boards as much after new years. I went back to Red Door. Is their a problems with them? If their is, let me know. Get it straightened out.

OT: I cant say ngger. I just cant ever say it. I can say nagger, but not ngger. Like I’ll try to say it, and it just wont come out…

^ same here, i can only say it like chappelle does in his show where the white family’s last name is NAgger

i would just really love to know why you feel that using the word so publically is ok.
let me guess…
you grew up in willyville, went to a scholl with like 10 black kids
you can count how many black friends you have on less than one hand
and one may or may not have pushed you 12 fucking years ago and that now gives you the right to say that theyre “niggers”

news flash dickbag, youre wrong.

heres a story for you. i got my ass kicked when i was 13 by about 5 black kids.
and to you and some others (shameless nameless)[size=2] on this board, i should just hate all black people because of this right?


you, my friend, are a fuckin child. grow the fuck up, look in the mirror and realize you are no better than anyone else. AT ALL. period, the end, thats it. done.

and stop using the name chevychase, youre insulting one of the funniest men alive. f’real
