i'm so SIQQQ!

Why do you guys even bother with this POS?

blah blah blah. Hey cunt punt, guessed wrong again my friend. I grew up in Buffalo being the minority, my parents moved to grand island. Then moved to williamsville. I don’t understand why you needed to put in your point of view. Now we are all blessed with your opinion. I can sleep tonight thankkkk godd.

I do understand that I am no better than anyone else. Well not what your mom said but thats between me and her. Remember this is the united states, can say what I want. Respect it or not, I don’t give a shit. because you, chief, are no better than me.

Because I don’t like something doesn’t mean I should listen to you bitch about my views are p.c. or not. Why don’t you try growing up in someone elses shoes, and stop thinking everything should be according to how you think.

12 years ago I was 6 by the way. I don’t even remember being 12.

What is your religion? Did you grow up into that? Where did you get your morals from? Sorry if I didn’t grow up in a padded room.

Lets go laynch some naggers!

$50 to the person who gets Hi def footage of the beating

making fun of him isn’t even funny. i think he’s better at getting people to waste time on posts than i am. Mostly because he’s dumber.

i think i’d rather see your annoying ass get whooped first.

I am with the emo one on this

You wanna whoop my ass newman?

come get some


are you going to bring your deagle? Cuz I’d awp your ass before you got one shot off!

I’ll just sit here and wait for the thred about that to show up then keep most of you up until 4 am.

Wow, you’re a goddamn ignorant shithead. The fact that you hate an entire group of people based on one experience is beyond me. The fact that you think it’s okay is even worse and how you’re defending it is like the cherry on top. You are the complete peice of shit package! Good job.

Back of the line faggot. :violin:

lol zong, im using my sheild, you have to try and shoot thru my little window.

Im not getting into any drama, im going to work for 8 hours.

Im just in a fightin mood today. Who cares, its the intraweb.

Time to cook some delicious ribs!!!

It’s my thread so shut the fuck up.

Who are you calling faggot? If I remembered correctly, you’re the one with the dyed hair. :mamoru:

I just got around to reading some of the other thread - who has a $1300 bike, and makes excuses about not having money when confronted about his POS beretta???

In technical terms it’s called coloring. But halloween last year I guess means nothing to you idiots. Even tho it was cut off a week later.

Stop being a little bitch about your thread. Want a cookie?

I have a $1300 bike. It’s a car, point A to B. And my first car. Oh I didnt know it was standard to blow all my money to make my shitty car go faster. I choose to have better things then dump money into a car where I wont see it keep it’s value. I also bought a new tv, and own many expensive instruments, aswell as a nice computer. Many other things aswell. I wouldn’t have any of it if I dumped it into a crappy car. Sorry for making sense, somethings arn’t worth alot to me like a Saturn or Civic with 500hp. When I find the right shell I’ll build up my camaro. But right now, I couldn’t care less about you queers.

Wait, so is it okay to call another person racist before or after you call them a faggot?

both! :wink:

You make no sense.