I'm Trying To Blame New Era Performance For Blowing Up My Tranny...

ill 2nd the fact that mondi is a very whiny guy who reads something once, and combined with his LACK of experience leads too rediculous requests and wierd accusations, when he really doesnt understand what hes talking about in the first place


The point is , I have bent over backwards for this guy more than once , to get wrongfully accused and threatened for nonsense . Take it how you want it .


“The jelly of the month club clark, thats the gift that keeps on giving”


[quote=“turbo ls1 ss,post:81,topic:34195"”]

ill 2nd the fact that mondi is a very whiny guy who reads something once, and combined with his LACK of experience leads too rediculous requests and wierd accusations, when he really doesnt understand what hes talking about in the first place


Thank you


“The jelly of the month club clark, thats the gift that keeps on giving”



LOL !!!

[quote=“turbo ls1 ss,post:81,topic:34195"”]

ill 2nd the fact that mondi is a very whiny guy who reads something once, and combined with his LACK of experience leads too rediculous requests and wierd accusations, when he really doesnt understand what hes talking about in the first place


I thought that post was a NEP guy…

so bill you have met mondi I see


he came back after one of your tunes too. your was pretty solid. i have a before and after, yours then ours if you want me to post it up. it was only a couple horse/tq difference.

the motor: someone else tuned it and it blew, hes had the car tuned by more than 3 people and hes never happy. the shit tune was someone one else.


That’s cool. When he first came to me, we put in the 2bar program, he was convinced that the MAF was far superior. I RE-CHECKED the tune a again with him to show that everything was ok. I guess he didn’t beleive me :shrug:


It never feels good to be accused and to have only half the story out there.



let that be the end of it

[quote=“Toda Party,post:43,topic:34195"”]

On the matter of New Era vs Stupid Noob, Judge Toda finds stupid noob … GUILTY!



Watch Judge Toda Weekday nights at 5PM on NYSpeedTV.

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[quote=“Toda Party,post:79,topic:34195"”]

“you dont have $$ to fix a headlight, but you have money for intercoolers?!?”

i was like oh shit, pwned


:lol: I wish I could have seen your face at that point in time :lol:



Watch Judge Toda Weekday nights at 5PM on NYSpeedTV.

…and now back to our regularly scheduled programming already in progress.


He’s been missed…

Everyone loves Gay Han…

LOL @ this thread… its just nonsense :picard:


Gotta love it when everyone wants something for nothing.


That is exactly it. If you make that kind of power, stuff breaks, especially if you are taking it to the track. It sounds like it was just a coincidence that it broke on the tuner’s test run.


:lol: I wish I could have seen your face at that point in time :lol:


It would have looked something like this…

When they did the base run it broke up real bad & I dont know why?
I ran it at the track & it was running good before they touched it.
They seem to make other peoples tunes look worse than they really are.
In both cases, I took it there because I felt the car should be dynoed to make sure it was right and I read nothing but good stuff on New Era so I decided to give them a second try. Since posting my experiance I have had several people pm me with bad experiances also that are afraid to talk.
Here is the graph when I went there with chucks tune it also cut out for some reason? huh? It felt stronger on chucks tune.

i dunno about all of this he said/she said stuff, but this car has been to so many different places and had so many different hands touching it… and apparently been raced for years… something was bound to give. that’s just how it goes.

beef up the tranny, and start all over again…

Your situation sucks but this thread has very nice parody potential for the NWS forum,lol.

Mondi, if they are afraid to talk…they dont exist. What I do know is that people HAVE posted about their experiences with you, none seem to be to pleasant! Your other comment about makiing peoples tunes worse is complete garbage. We have picked up power on 99.9% of the cars we have worked on, including yours…remember 240 more hp at 6K rpm???

From what I read it sounds like this tranny was bound to bust up, but just to play devil’s advocate…There is one easy solution that should only cost about $35.

It’s called small claims court, if you think that New Era is really responsible for the damage. Now IANAL, nor am I a mechanic but if you really think you can compel a judge you will win the money for the tranny and NE will be forced to pay. However since you couldn’t convince this jury…suck it up as a downside to your hobby. Shit happens.

[quote=“Toda Party,post:79,topic:34195"”]

in a pos crx

looks in my backseat


:bsflag: :wink:


Sounds to me like your tranny was due to break. I know from meeting Mike that he is a stand up guy and knows what he is doing. So for some noob to come on here and attempt to bash him is ridiculous. Also from what people that I know have been chiming in with about Mondi, Mondi sounds pretty useless.