I'm under the impression...

A-rod will break the record

Since Ruth started out as a pitcher he didn’t get the chance to have as many at bats as bonds did in his first few years. Barry was a starter from his rookie year. Bonds had around 1,400 more at bats then Ruth.

that, and people’s attention spans have become far shorter. perhaps the two are related :wink:

Bonds already openly admitted that no matter what the record is when he is done A-rod will most likely break it. He was asked if he felt Howard would break A-rod’s quickest to 500 record and he said “Not a chance.”

Baseball sucks.

FYI the kid that caught 756 is a UB student

They interviewed John McCain on the news this morning. At the end they tossed some random questions at him, including if he thought there should be an asterisk next to Bonds’ name in the record books. His response was “Absolutely.”

yeah he was, my g/f used to know the kid. Talk about being in the right place at the right time.

The whole steriod thing is fucking stupid, 90% of professional althletes use preformance enhancing drugs. Even people who pitched aganist him. People only give a shit when u start to break records, but if he hit 200 home runs in his career he could be injecting himself on the outfield and no one would give a fuck.

90% of home runs are hitting the ball at the right spot, 10% is strength. Steriods or other p-e-d’s arent going to give you the ability to hit home runs.

Bonds did something amazing, stop bitching about it and congratulate the guy.

quiet down, bonds is a bitch and a cheater, and his record means shit.

Ya…nobody cares about the rest of those guys in the hall of fame that didn’t break records or used steroids. Fans of baseball give a fuck no matter who uses. Casual watchers and people who just watch highlights don’t care.

I agree… Bonds did do something great. But it is a shame that he needed the extra push to do something that he otherwise wouldn’t have come close to accomplishing. Steroids alone don’t make you hit home runs, but they sure keep you going when your old body says you can’t anymore.