I'm walking away form this car stuff.....

Ok not really but I sometimes go off on a tangent and do some non-auto related fab work for customers. I did this a few months ago but just got around to DL the photos from my phone.

Yankees baseball insignia. Made from 3" x 5/16" 316L stainless bar stock, hand formed and rolled, full tig joints and made seamless. Built for a landscaping job, and was buried in a cement stone dust walkway up in Lake George. Only part that shows is the very top edge which has a directional brushed finish.

Pictures are shitty, but taken from my BB in a hurry. I’ve done quite a bit of this offshoot stuff from sprial stairwells to loading racks, DOT work, etc. Kinda fun for me as it doesn’t have the tedious stuff related to cars.




thats sweet dude… how much would something like that cost to build up??

DUDE! OMFG! you scared the shit out of me, i thought youre quitting ur job or something. SHIT!

thats some first class fabrication, nice work. I bet you profit a lot more on that stuff than fixing BMWs.

oh and Adam, check you PMs or Email please :wink:

very impressive to say the least!

you got that right, cars in general actually. got all yer stuff, just been extremely busy. haven’t had a chance to check anything.

Np. Adam. As long as you get it all. Hit me back wihenever you have time to sort through it.

$75hr x how ever many hours it takes me + material :lol

A lot. I’ll have to post pics from the job site with it in the walkway.

better not be quitting your damn job :rofl

yeah with a camera, I can loan mine if needed. The phone cam pic wasn’t that good.

Yeah I go up Tuesday and will take a good shot of it. Did you get my voicemail late this afternoon?

yes but not until later. we were at a movie in the park here in b.spa…

i want to just watch you work for a day, your shit is unreal.

:lol thanks!

I saw this man turn the front 1/4 of an Evo X into rubble in about an hour today :rofl

shift518 field trip to Adam’s shop? :excited

“sssshhhhhhhhhhhhhh” :rofl

I don’t work well with others!

i didnt say we’d be working with you, i for one will be gawking, sir :slight_smile:

Right because working with others is way more annoying than having a bunch of overweight forum people stare at him while he welds a cage.