Images of Sniper Rifle at Super Bowl Spark Debate

In this day and age, should anyone be surprised that there’s armed law enforcement at major sporting events?

Apparently, some people are. Several photos recently surfaced of a sniper’s nest high above the field at Lucas Oil Stadium in Indianapolis before Super Bowl XLVI, showing a custom Remington M700 perched on an Alamo Four Star DCLW tripod.

According to Business Insider, the gun was unloaded, and according to U.S. Tactical Supply Inc.’s Facebook page, where the photos originated, it remained unloaded for the duration of the game; only binoculars were used for surveillance during the game, and the rifle was only there to display the tripod’s locking system for the Indianapolis Metropolitan Police Department.

It didn’t take long for the debate to begin. Immediately, anti-gunners and tinfoil hat enthusiasts were all over the supposed ethical dilemma of an officer with a high-powered rifle — which they assumed was loaded — and pointing it at an unarmed crowd — another assumed fact, considering the pictures were taken before the stadium had opened. Some were even brazen enough to guess the caliber, which proved to be pretty amusing — some hilariously guessed .50-cal, but Eric Poole, editor-in-chief of InterMedia Outdoors’ SIP division more accurately placed it as a .308 with an XLR Industries Evolution rifle chassis.

But these are facts the anti-gun crowd chooses to ignore, along with the possibility of a terrorist attack — and sadly, we all know how that kind of ignorance works out. Over at the sports blog Deadspin, writer Barry Petchesky took a more sensible approach:

It’s standard operating procedure to have an invisible law enforcement presence at any high-profile event, let alone one with the attendance and attention the Super Bowl receives. And remember, there are all kinds of politicians and other assorted rich people around. You never know what could happen, though the imagination conjures up increasingly insane and horrifying scenarios … It’s just never a bad idea to have a sniper rifle around.

We couldn’t agree more. To some, particularly the anti-gun crowd, this may appear as absolute insanity and an infringement on the rights of unarmed citizens. However, we have a feeling that crowd would be singing a different tune if America’s biggest game became a scene of carnage. That’s a risk we absolutely cannot take.


People have nothing else to do with their time other than bitching and protesting. Hence why our country is in the situation we are in.

No different than having the armed officers all over the stadium, except it is probably safer due to the accuracy of the sniper rifle.

I don’t see why it’s a big deal. Anti-gunners can S my C. It’s not like it’s some nutjob shooting out of a box van… They’re police officers there to protect the crowd at THE LARGEST SPORTING EVENT IN THE COUNTRY. It’s prolly the largest event in the country period, be it through spectators in the seats and people watching TV. Lots of high profile people there.

What’s so special about the tripod’s locking system?? Does it track targets?

I’m perfectly ok with it… other than they probably could have picked a better vantage point. Seems like they’d be lucky to have 1/2 the stadium covered; unless there was a 2nd perch on the other side. And by the looks of the picture, it is pointed more at the bottom of the “V” than at fans. I would hope they knew proper barrel control…

so thats why wes welker missed that catch in the 4th quarter, it was shot out of the air.

makes perfect sense to me. People don’t get upset about armed officers in plain sight how is this really any different?

Stupid hippies.

Whoever is firing this weapon has a MUCH better shot than the officer in plain sight… lol.

They’d be the same people bitching that not enough was done if/when some terrorist managed to get off an attack at said event, or some nutso decided to go ape on someone of"high importance" there.

Bunch of two-face hypocrites is all they are.


Believe me I understand that, there are some very complex physics adjustments for the shooter that go into making an accurate shot from that kind of elevation. My point is that nobody questions the armed officers they see right in front of them, but the wingnuts make a big deal about shit like this.

I hope they crash their Prius’s into a tree.

It’s better to have something and not need it than need it and not have it. You think all those hippies would understand that.

I don’t have a problem with it, but what is a guy or couple guys with rifles going to do to stop a terrorist attack? If there is one or 2 terrorists, I guess so? That also assumes the terrorist is in the stands and not underneath the stands oe in the concourse I suppose?

I don’t think that putting that photo on some companies Facebook page wasn’t particularly bright. It is particularly inflammatory to some people.

Hippies will find ANYTHING to complain about, they need to worry less about this kind of shit and just live their freakin lives!

Occupy Lucas Oil Stadium starts tomorrow!!!

It’s sniper rifles like that that give pussies their freedom to protest such ridiculous things.