Import fusion review.

So Good or Bad? Would you go next year? What are somethings they should change? Or you liked everything about it…

Personally, last year compared to this year was nothing. There was a big show going up in new york at the same time. So thats more then likly why you didnt see some crazy (wild competitors) cars. Ill give them that unfortunely the weather would have been great for a show outside. Which it usually is, but was changed this year due to last years conditions. (100 degress and rain for 5 mins humid as balls).

I think they should work a little better on car layout…Not have them in a box setup…have them in rows so the fronts ar pointed out…so its easier to get pics. There was PLENTY of room.
Also there should be some rule that al body work should be done and should be clean. I mean come on people are paying 10bucks each to get in and see some POS dirty rides they can go see at some little used car lot.

You couldnt have said that anybetter. I saw better cars in the parking garage then inside the show.:dunno: I would say the show was good in the aspect that it gave me something to do and i love cars and shows but the turnout was kinda bad. I guess the show in NY probaly had a impact on the turnout.

They need some sort of screening process for the cars like a try out or something I mean come on Example: there was civic with just aftermarket headlights, carbon hood and steel wheels next to that a civic with a front body kit that was cracked and also primered along with half the fender in some square shape it, some painted engine pieces and intake :wtf: I paid for this i can see this in the pepboys parking lot!!! There how ever there were quite a few nice cars there.


think I might start doing this review to all the shows we goto. So we can look back at these next year when they come up.

i thought you needed to send in pics of your car to enter…for some reason i thought just anyone could enter

i think world of wheels does that…

usually for our ncca shows mainly like hot import nights we don’t let in primered cars, or cars on stock wheels… or stock cars in general… but a show like this, (and not to mention night shift changing their points to a triplle point event so alot of our top cars go there instead) we pretty much had to take what we had…

next year will definatly be better, the guy running the shows great and knows what he’s doing, so it’ll keep growing for the better.

the show mostly sucked although i have been to worse, but still a good time.

wow not one person voted good

i didnt go

I voted bad… so much empty space and just boring as shit… well the fact I saw some people I haven’ seen in sometime thats it

I walked in before the show started, saw that the center divider was out and they couldn’t even fill 1/2 the main hall…I knew it would suck right then and there.

I am curious how much they pay raven riley to come in

seriously, i dont think shes that great… her friend too, ill pass. But, that gets a whole bunch of horn balls to goto a car show.

I thought her friend Liz was scary :ugh:

My fav girl working was the one at the R32…Stephanie something…forget her last name
she had the red and black stockings


Yea, i guess photoshop works wonders. And the pasty girl was just scary.

i was up in the air about whether to register or not but ultimately decided against it since it was a lot of money that I would need for dyno-tuning.

I figured if they had all that room they would want a lot of cars, but it was really expensive to register your car :\ I understand it is that way to weed out the ricers and such, but from what I hear it didnt really work that way…

I picked good because I got a media pass and basically got to meet a bunch of people from pittspeed. Raven and her friend were beat on and I don’t know what the big hype about her was. The best vendor girl there was Quik…just playin man. The girl with the r32 was def the best. There was some other random girl there that I told a picture of.

All in all the show sucked. The twins and a few other people b-boyed so that was cool.