Import Shop South of Pitt

Anyone Tuner/Performance shops south of pittsburgh?

Hybrid Dynamics

thought they where near latrobe/ greensburgh?

They are … But he is from Bentleyville … which is like 10 minutes from me. I can be at hybrid in 30-45 minutes … so its not far at all

ok yeah i dont want to drive an hour lol. Just to have a car dynoed… thats a waste

how is that a waste? expecting to be at your local sunoco?

You would think if you wanted the most out of your setup in a reliable way?? a 40minute drive wouldnt kill you.

its an hour ass. And wtf are you talking about sunoco… I dont drive a fucking honda…

Wtf are you talking about? Its an hour? Big fucking deal dude … You want it to be dynoed and tuned and want the most out of your car … So how is an hour a waste?

here take it to the shop in washington then. the one that screws everything up… oh yeah they are closed. so shut the fuck up and either take it to hybrid and get a good reliable dyno run with a great tune if that is what your lookin for…

or dont dyno it and dont post anymore "booo hoooo no dyno next to my barber shop"threads.

I will be glady to fuckstart your head. I’ll drive the hour you won’t and then pedophile your ass…
wan’t me to continue???

an hour is nothing, i will even fuck your sister or aunt and then leave your mother to 1320 or darkstar.

LOL. Now you pissed shaggy off … Your fucked cry baby!

lol wow great to see most of the people on here are pathetic… I wasnt crying about anything but thank you for the the wasted replys and the worthless comments. Never got the question answered that i asked but thats great that everyone can flame on this forum.


this is pittsburgh…we dont have that many shops with dynos around here.iv heard that hybrid has done good work with nissans and hondas in the past.if u lived in florida or cali then i can see y u wouldnt want to travel since shops r easier to come by.if u dont want to make the trip then ur car wont be as that.

Exactly …
You were crying about driving an hour … WOW … a whole fucking 60 minutes (if that) to have your car tuned. Appariently it’s not that important to you …


I wasnt crying about anything… I ment it would have been a waste if there was a shop closer to me… Id rather drive 20 mins then 60 mins and i think everyone would do the same. Idk what the fuck your problem is but dont fucking take it out on me man.

dude an hour is not that far to get a solid tune and dyno. if you really actually cared then you wouldnt be complaining. sorry that it might take a total of 3 hours out of a day to get it done. big deal. people enjoy doing that stuff because they enjoy cars.

how far is that from cranberry area, does anyone know? greensburg is about 45 minutes give or take, but not sure exactly


Do you know of any shops 20 minutes from you? … NO … So how would it be a waste?

If there was a shitty shop 20 minutes from me … and a good shop 1 hour from me … I would still drive the hour.