Importing dealer plate cars?

Has anyone ever considered forking up the $1000 bucks or whatever it is to get a dealer plate and bringing in a post 1991 car to have fun in for a year? I’m pretty sure that this is how R34’s are popping up at dealerships in BC, but if I’m wrong someone correct me.

i never knew you can do that. i would do it. id like to drive some mid 90s car not saying it would happen but id defintely give it a thought

<insert apology here> …sorry

first of all … rules are 15 years or older for street/daily use vehicles to be registered/insured

second … race only cars are tough to import as you need prior approval as well as backing from a legitimate racing organization in order to bring one in and into your hands

third …drive around on a dealer plate and then get in an accident or something similar and you will be in some tough shit …not even worth it for a retarded skyline that is overpriced …all that money for something you have to drive around illegally on a dealer plate . That is also taking into account you will somehow acquite a dealerplate and insurance for that as well …just to drive a r34 boatliner

Woah woah woah. No need to call me an ass. Pretty sure the last thing I said was correct me if I’m wrong, so thats all that needs to be said. BUT to correct what you just said:

first of all… yes of course I understand the 15 year old rule

second… this isn’t involving the loop hole where you claim your car as a “race car” because that requires getting written consent from the maker of the vehicle stating that the vehicle’s original purpose and design is a track car and not a street car, which can’t be done when it comes to cars like r34 skylines.

third… the dealer plate IS your insurance buddy. If you get in an accident, you’re covered. That’s how local dealerships can slap on their dealer plates and cruise around in them. And I’m not talking about driving it around illegally, im talking about driving it around legally.

Ill try to find the documentation from Transport Canada that has the rules stating that a dealership or any register dealer can import a vehicle that is less than 15 years old pending that the vehicle will not be sold, be kept for no more than one year in Canada, and be used for some sort of promotion or advertising for the dealer.

This “loophole” could have been changed for all I know, especially seeing as how they are cracking down on the DOT shit. (This is where the whole “correct me if I’m wrong” comes in)

back a few years ago, 2001ish i came back from germany and really liked the smartcar.
and Still do. i looked in to buying one at david morris said it still needed to pass tests and would not be released for a few years.
i got a call about a year later, they told me they had one in town if i would like to come by and see it.
I did go and see it, took a little ride, with dealer plates.

You can do anything you want if you have enuff money.


Ron Hodgeson Pontiac had a GTO for a while. :?

dealer plate is insurance yes , but how are you going to go about getting one ? start a business ? get an AMVIC liscence just to drive around one car for supposed promotional purposes as it is stupid unless it is really worth it and just newer JDM car is NOT worth it

as well they are cracking down on race only cars and paperwork surrounding them and will crush one if there is any suspicion or incorrect paperwork and that is not a risk I want to take to get a pretty newer car into canada in which will never have a title to be driveable and will have to be sent back after everything is said and done or else sit and rot for the rest of its life …

Just think about if you got in an accident with this supposed car and an investigation was done and they found this car to be a race only car not for street use , will insurance cover you then , probably not and as well a risk I am not willing to take

I think we both have valid points but its seriously stupid unless you have a business and are using it for promotion or else to park at car shows for its entire life for some reason

Ok. I don’t think you’re getting what I’m saying.

first… pretty much anyone can get dealer status. Especially if you go through enough cars in a year, the insurance company recommends you get a dealer plate. But yah, it is a lot of money but thats why my original question was “has anyone considered forking up the money…”

But what you really don’t understand is that at one point, Transport Canada clearly stated on the documentation for importing cars that a dealership or dealer was PERMITTED to bring in a post 15 year rule car. I think it went something like you were allowed to have it for a year but you had to export it back after a year was up. And you were not allowed to sell it once it was here.

Its on the same boat that says that you can recieve a post 15 year old car as a present (meaning you paid dick-all for it).

I’ve been trying to find the documentation to back me up but it could have been revised seeing as how the importing scene is exploding.

There is a Blue R34 in millwoods. As far as I know he isn’t using a dealer plate on the car.

Thats prob a 32 with that 34 conversion kit thingy I seen a while ago. I forget which company makes them.

Thats prob a 32 with that 34 conversion kit thingy I seen a while ago. I forget which company makes them.[/quote]



But there has been real R34’s that have stepped on Canadian soil. I remember seeing a picture of a silver one parked in front of Abbotsford Nissan in B.C.

Thats prob a 32 with that 34 conversion kit thingy I seen a while ago. I forget which company makes them.[/quote]



But there has been real R34’s that have stepped on Canadian soil. I remember seeing a picture of a silver one parked in front of Abbotsford Nissan in B.C.[/quote]

That was a motorex car.

They are legal in the USA (or were) and you can drive a car across the boarder but i have no idea how long you are alowed to keep it here.

I would like to see mention of this in some documentation as this sounds to be inaccurate … sounds like some old rule relating to Japan citicens bringing over their cars and having them here but similar. A car as a present and it just being “LEGAL” …doesnt happen as I can give all of you a R34 as present and there will be a whole pile of R34 cubes at customs waiting for you all to pick up soon after

I agree with Scott typhoon. Now on the import form you get from transport canada they have a box that would get cheked. I think there is like 7 boxes. One of them being the 15 year rule and others for other reasons I cant remember specificly off the top of my head what they say. I will scan one when I get home and post it up here but ther is one box on the import form that would allow you to bring a car in for purposes for desplay and race only but I know people who have braught cars in under this rule and not that thy have proper paper work but that customs canada just didnt want the car in Canada. Thing is it is all up to customs canada to allow the car in. If the teamster inspecting the car didnt have sugar on his corn flakes that morning he can pretty much do whatever he wants and not allow the car to pass. I know too many people and times that things have gone wrong at customs and Im not going to post this for privacy reasons. But it all comes down to that its just not worth the risk or tme and money. I wouldnt even give it a %5 chance of working anymore and wouldnt be suprised if transport canada will be changing the rules for importation for those cars to be newer than 15 years old. Scott wasnt trying to be crabby about it but just that we hear about the rules and bad things that go on over in Vancouver and we just cant deal with it. Its already getting to be a head ach bringing in cars that are iported under the 15 year rule. Pretty soon I would think you wont even be able to have any mods done to the car anymore like aftermarket seats, roll cages, wheels, seat belt harnesses ect. Aswell of the fact that getting oops on 15 year old imports is changing too and I dont doubt that the federal gov or whoever is speaking with transport canada and telling them to be more harsh about the cars. Anywho my 2 cents.

doors are slowly closing day by day … some things that were done one way or accepted one time are now being changed and removed … sucks but its good to stay ontop of changes . As Allen has stated I know of race only cars being denied and I wont name names but it is not as simple as it seems

that gto was registered and insured to ron hodgesons american condo, i belive it was in arizona…