hey guys if a car gets impounded and u dont want the car anymore do u have to worry about it? will it affect ur credit in any way at all?
thanks mikey
Well, whom ever is storing it is more than likely storing it for a fee. Therefore…regardless if you don’t want the car…THEY WANT THEIR MONEY.
Does this answer your question?
no not really but it helps. jp towed it. and i was told that in 90 days if i dont take action the car belongs to them. so does that mean i dont have to worry about any of the fees.
Ask em.
you will likely have to pay storage fees for those 90 days
Didnt you JUST get this car?
are you fed up with the problems and just cutting ur loss?
whats the deal man?? Just asking cuze it seems odd, if you dont want to tell us then thats no worries.
i had one of my winter beaters impounded a few years back because i left it parked at school over night and they had it towed! JERKS lol. bought the thing for $200 and the impound lot wanted over $300 to get it out. i just left it there and never heard anything after that. that was in 2002.
I had mine towed by the bastards here in Oakville, after I had a little accident a few years ago. You don’t want to leave it there for long because they charge you a per day rate. I left mine there for a week, but lucky for me they decided to give me ‘premium’ indoor storage for the smashed up car… That way it wouldn’t get uh…wet or something… They were so nice to do this, without even asking, and it only cost me double the regular rate! (Over $30 /per day on top of all the other fee’s)
They told me that if you didn’t pay the fee’s, they have a right to tack it on to you licence bureau. IE, when you go to renew you’re license. I’m 99% sure that’s a crock of shit, but I needed my SR outta the car regardless.
that is a crock of shit, they are a private company, not part of the MTO and i dont think they can put it as a charge that will prevent u from renewing your license, sticker or registering another car… at least it never affected me… maybe it’s different in some parts of the city
The 407 is a private company.
And guess what… don’t pay your bills, you don’t get your stickers renewed.
Yeah insurance companies are private, yet we get shafted by them day after day.
The government works that way.
actually, they just changed that from what i heard on the news. as well as from my parents.
No, you won’t be collected on.
I’ve lost a few vehicles to the impound gods.
They are dicks and will tow your car without reporting it. I had a motorcycle impounded, no one told me. I had a tow truck driver friend check out if it had been listed and no. So I assumed it was stolen.
6 weeks later I got a letter in the mail saying I owed $1,000 in fees.
(funny how it only took one day for the letter to get to me, yet took them 6 weeks to let me know they had it)
They can’t charge you for it because you have not requested the “service”
The 407 works that way because you can just keep using the 407.
Eventually the impound lot will threaten to auction off your vehicle to cover what you owe them.
I also tossed a dead Rambler in a Green P parking lot on Mount Pleasant (blown tranny)
They kept sending me bills until it was about $2,000 dollars. Then they threatened to auction it off.
Hmmm … pay $2,000 for a $700 car with a blown tranny? Pay $1,500 for a $1,000 motorcyle with a leaky carb in the winter?
Good luck with the auction folks.
:lol: So how did you handle the impound lot?
Just told em to stick it?
hey guys no its not my kouki it was a car that i had to deal wiht before. so i jsut want to clearify everything first. they will not put anything against ur credit even tho they say they will? i would never junk my kouki i would rather give it to someone lol. but anyways its ok i got everything solved. jp towing can blow me. :):)
You’re gonna have to remove that avator before some admin does it for you. It’s WAY too big.
I just ignored them.
My brother’s a cop, so I just asked him about it. (he’s the reason the car got impounded anyway lol)
I can’t remember the actual wording of the law …
Basically because you didn’t ask them to store the car, they can’t charge you for it. But since your car has been there, they legally can keep your car until you pay them what’s owed.
If you don’t pay, after I think 1 year (might be 6 mos) they can sell the car to recover the loss. But since you never asked them to store it, they can’t send you a bill.