getting ownership to 20 year old car

well i really need to get my 1986 300zx under my name, since it got either impounded or maybe stolen… (hopefully not stolen but i dunno) it was on the street last night, and this morning its gone so i think it got impounded. however my friends had been in a situation where they got their cars impounded. they need tha guy with tha ownership signed to them in order to bail out the car.

its been a week since i had this car and i havent went to MTO to get my car under my name yet. but then my friend is saying that i need to get my car appraised for some tax shit, since it is 20 years old and shit.

thatz where he found that info…

ive never heard of anything like this… and i really need tha car under my name soo i could bail it out asap… or im screwed. :?

hey bro this happened to my crx, do this to try to avoid paying ur fees try to call in ur car to the police station as stolen. but telll them it was stolen from a different loctaion from where u parked it. only do this if ur car was impunded. its liek 90 bucks for a towing fee then a maximum of 32 dollars a day for the storage fee.

peace out 300ZX

Yeah, if it’s impounded, you’re really fucked.

Well, I mean if you try and lie your way out of it.

Do you at least have the VIN for it?

Then you can call the cops and ask them if the car has been impounded.

Try not to explain the situation too far … but I’m guessing there were no plates on it, not even falsies?

Because whichever way you go, you’re going to have to admit to breaking the law.

Car on city streets + no plates = instant tow

Your best bet to resolving this is to find out who tows from your area. You can call the city parking enforcement. Tell them where the car was towed from, they’ll tell you who tows for them for that area, and where they impound.

From there, go straight to the impound guy. He’ll be more likely to cut you a (legal) break if you tell him the truth. But impounds are expensive, especially if it’s been a day or two.


Honestly if that’s the case, you’re better off letting the impound lot keep it. They’ll try and sell it later, so you might be able to buy it off them for cheap. It’s not in your name, so they’ll never know.

In a few months, the original owner is going to get a very big bill in the mail.

You might want to catch the impounder before that happens, because is the former owner freaks out about owing $2,000 worth of impound fees, is worried about being nailed for whatever the car was doing when impounded, will go straight to the cops with your info.

yup mr200 is right if u dont pay that bill nothing happens right?

lol, the car had false plates… he had 2 days to move it… but the car doesnt start.

yea, it wasnt the police who took it away n left him tickets, it was the town of markham municiple people… pretty gay.

anyway he got the car back from the impound lot. with couple tickets n a day or 2 impound fees… that sucks.

yea… damnnn cost alot tha guy said 70 a day! Shocked

thatz a damn lot plus i had to tow it to storage too and pay storage fees, and also tha damn tickets…

my friend took em plates off cuz he got into sh!t with fake plates with tha markham po… and had to goto court and stuff. that y my friend removed them for me.

well now i got my car back, thanks for ure help guys.

now jus gotta make my money back…

Be glad it happened in Markham, not TO.

I’ve heard upwards of $150 a day for storage.

It’s kind of scary how they can find you if they’re trying to get $$.

I ditched my '65 Rambler in a Green P parking lot on Mount Pleasant. My brother nuked the tranny and I didn’t want to bother fixing it (winter beater).

So I took off the plates, popped the vin tags off grabbed all my shit and just left it there.

Sure enough, 4 months later I got a bill in the mail for $2,000+ or else they would sell it at auction.

Heh … “Oh no!”