Aquiring a Car... without ownership..

like… is there a way that you can get a car under your name w/out the ownership??

like if you saw a car sitting in the bush for like 5 years… (abandoned)

can you legally take it home and register under your name?

is there an illegal way too? lol



find out whos land its on or who owns it, then if they dont have the slip you have to go to court to get one

go to court to get a new ownership?

what if the owner of the land wants to sell the car to me… how will that work?

My datsun was abandoned for like 5 years.

just say u lost the ownership, get the new one, forge the sig, switch your new copy to your name, done… make sue nobody comes lookin for the car.

but how would I ask for a new one? wouldn’t they ask for an id if I was asking for a new owndership that isn’t mine?

Im pretty sure the best bet is to go up to some one of authority and ask them. You haven’t stolen the car so you should have nothing to worry about. Unless ofcourse you did steal the car.

Speaking of stolen cars. They make fake ownershirp should be able to right one up and hack into the computer and make it real. lol.

But seriously go up to the MTO with the VIN and just tell them you think its abandonded and you would like to own it. They should be able to give you the name and number of whomever’s car it is.


If you can’t find the owner, get the VIN and go to MTO and get a UVIP and then just look up the person and try to get that persons phone number.