In milwaukee wisconsin.. ugh.

Here for training for two weeks. What the hell is there to do here?

go to chicago its about 90 miles away,titty bars

whats the weather like up there joe ?

Training for what ? ?

I am a HVAC control guy I work for Johnson Controls.

Just basic HVAC

Its cold as shit!

didnt you see dogma?

my friend at work swears that no one in pittsburgh will outdrink any milwaukee-ian…i showed his ass. show em how pittsburgh does it!

Wisconsin sucks. Stick to Milwaukee city limits. I think Water St. is the street where everything is. If you go outside of Milwaukee there’s NOTHING to do.

Don’t they make cheese there? I could go for some string cheese right now.

Hey man, I know a little about that. I sell controls for Eaton Cutler Hammer. I know a ton of the JCI guys in the New England area. We partner with you guys. And our Controls head quarters is in Milwaukee. I have been there before and the coolest place to go is called The Nomad. You can get the Nomad special for $5. Its a beer, a shot, and a cigarette from the bartender.

bruce springstein with cougers for the win