Here for training for two weeks. What the hell is there to do here?
go to chicago its about 90 miles away,titty bars
whats the weather like up there joe ?
Training for what ? ?
I am a HVAC control guy I work for Johnson Controls.
Just basic HVAC
Its cold as shit!
didnt you see dogma?
my friend at work swears that no one in pittsburgh will outdrink any milwaukee-ian…i showed his ass. show em how pittsburgh does it!
Wisconsin sucks. Stick to Milwaukee city limits. I think Water St. is the street where everything is. If you go outside of Milwaukee there’s NOTHING to do.
Don’t they make cheese there? I could go for some string cheese right now.
Hey man, I know a little about that. I sell controls for Eaton Cutler Hammer. I know a ton of the JCI guys in the New England area. We partner with you guys. And our Controls head quarters is in Milwaukee. I have been there before and the coolest place to go is called The Nomad. You can get the Nomad special for $5. Its a beer, a shot, and a cigarette from the bartender.
bruce springstein with cougers for the win