In the name of "God", Westboro condemns Steve Jobs using their iPhone

The Westboro Baptist Church is planning to picket the funeral of Steve Jobs, and made the announcement via iPhone. If he didn’t give God any glory and taught sin, then should Margie Phelps be using the all-mighty Android? Oh well.

Considering that it was Apple that made the announcement of Jobs’ passing, I highly doubt that Jobs will have public funeral. I’m even willing to bet that the location of his funeral will be kept private. So, maybe Westboro is left to picket the funeral via Twitter for iPhone. It’s actually preferred that folks share their thoughts, memories and condolences by emailing Perhaps the Westboro church members can send their picketing and protesting via email for iPhone.

Nonetheless, to say that Jobs and his genius had nothing to with God is simply a denial of God’s existence. God gave human beings the ability to create, to use logic and to reason. To say that Jobs work and talents wasn’t a gift of God, is to deny God. Just because Jobs didn’t call the iPhone “the Apostle Phone” or something doesn’t mean he’s failed to glorify God. If anything, God would love the iPhone. It gives folks the ability to text Jesus.

source: technorati

Just shows how big of idiots they are. everyone needs to leave them alone so they can’t sue anyone and then they will go broke and wont be able to picket funerals anymore.

This drives me fucking nuts. Im going to make a twitter to bash the shit out of them.

thats what they want you to do. they don’t care if people support them, they just want to be known.

Protesting outside funerals should be illegal. Freedom of speech shouldn’t entitle anyone to that level of heartless libel.

LOL, you guys ain’t see nothing yet. Democracy at work. :rofl

The Westboro Baptist Church plans to picket the funeral of former Apple chief executive Steve Jobs, the church said Thursday. Palo Alto police officials said the protests would be permitted…Sandra Brown, a spokeswoman for the Palo Alto Police Department, said that the police department had confirmed the church’s plans to picket the funeral, and would be allowed to do so.

source: PC MAg

Below is a direct quote from their blog. Yes, they quote the bible (I think).

Steve Jobs Died
October 6, 2011

THANK GOD! Steve Jobs is dead! Westboro will picket his funeral!

Genesis 6:4 There were giants (in business/industry) in the earth in those days…the same became mighty men which were of old, men of renown.

Those captains of business/industry in Noah’s day did what Jobs and his cohorts do TODAY: turn the country over to the fags!

Fag marriage will bring your destruction! Jobs is responsible!


Luke 16:22-31…the rich man also died…and in hell he lift up his eyes, being in torments…he cried…Father Abraham, have mercy on me…send Lazarus…dip the tip of his finger in water…cool my tongue…I am tormented in this flame…Then he said, I pray thee…thou wouldest send [Lazarus] to my father’s house…I have five brethren; that he may testify unto them, lest they also come into this place of torment.

The answers: No and No!

WBC fervent prayer: Please come Lord Jesus and destroy this land!

its just like those god forsaken “people” that picket the soldiers that die in Iraq/Afghanistan… seriously people like this, i hate.

These people are scumbags.

HAHAHA i love it.


some fucking americans, what the fuck is wrong with people. idk how nobody has tried to kill them lol

I remember hearing about them trying to protest a soldiers funeral and a Motorcycle club that consisted of ex-military showed up and beat the crap out of a bunch of them. If someone in my unit died and these assholes tried to protest i would definitely be going to jail.

i hope those fucking douchenozzles picket a SEAL funeral with a bunch of professional killing machines attending.