Increasing flexibility?

Fry’s martial arts thread got me thinking…

I put on some weight over the past few years. I dropped 20 pounds since the beginning of May just by going mountain biking 3-4 times a week. I am currently sitting at 200pounds and am 6 feet tall. I’m trying to hit 175-180 pounds before winter.

Now, I am an avid skier and love to ski the park. One big problem and it’s something I am quite certain that holds me back bigtime in progressing and learning new tricks. I am horribly unflexible. Like, I can’t bend opver and touch my toes unflexible.

Now, I want to increase my flexibility bigtime. I don’t have the time to commit to a class or anything, but I could easily find 20 minutes a day to fit a routine of some sort in.

Should I just start doing an in-depth stretching routine daily? Or should I look at a yoga routine to start?


My lady does pilates.

I’ll look :gay: doing it for sure, but if it works, haha.

Maybe I’ll try to introduce her to yoga as well.

I know polates deals alot with core strength and is a higher intensity level, but which do you think would work best for flexibility and balance?

i did yoga before, and that shit will make your whole body hurt believe it or not… i took it as a joke when i went in there but never again lol

here… check this site out cause it will give you ever stretch we normally do for goalie warm ups… (mind you its lower body)

you can easily do these at home without spending any money but WARM UP FIRST!!!

(pdf form so you know)

Good deal!

That seems like it’ll work real well for lower body. I’d like to increase upper body and arms as well (for inuury prevention)

I know a lot of general stretches from playing soccer for 12 years.

no flexibility needed, you just need to be able to do a cock push up and you are golden

I just stopped eating shit food and walking to work… dropped from 240 to 215 in 2 1/2 weeks.

I just started the whole no beer and soda too so hopefully ill be down to 200 by the end of the month.

gaining flexibility that you never had before, even as a child- is nearly impossible

regaining flexibility that you had as a child isnt impossible, but it’s not easy either

most adults with any kind of flexibility gained it by playing sports or being generally flexible in youth

there are tons of resorces for free to assist you… you’ll need more than just yoga, but it’s a great start.

try searching on the forum - i’m at work now otherwise i’d get you all the links you need myself

Well, I used to be flexible. Not bend over backwards flexible, but I could get down to touching my toes.

I’ll check out that site though.

BitTorrent: Yoga Zone

3 or 4 episodes of that are a good way to get started. There’s other stuff you can get off there too, including Windsor Pilates.


I just stopped eating shit food and walking to work… dropped from 240 to 215 in 2 1/2 weeks.

I just started the whole no beer and soda too so hopefully ill be down to 200 by the end of the month.


you dropped 25lbs in 2.5 weeks… well at least i haven’t noticed… fatty

25lbs in 2.5 weeks a little much BTW, unless you shed a SHITLOAD of water weight… or…


you dropped 25lbs in 2.5 weeks… well at least i haven’t noticed… fatty

25lbs in 2.5 weeks a little much BTW, unless you shed a SHITLOAD of water weight… or…


yeah… its healtly to lose about 2.5-3 lbs per week… if you lose more than that… youre actually losing muscle, cause your body goes into panic mode and starts feeding itself on whatever it can get ahold of…

hell you can lose so much just by laying off all sodas and switching to water

IN WHICH will help A LOT in the flexibility issue when youre stretching again

STRETCH… before and AFTER workouts…

chinese yoga


yeah… its healtly to lose about 2.5-3 lbs per week…


3lbs a week?! lol you are out of your mind.

assuming the average male of around 180lbs with normal build, you can lose 1-1.5lbs a week without losing THAT much muscle. To be that precise in your weight loss you’d have to be very experienced in body maintenance and have a very good understanding of your bodies comprehension.

with that said though, why do you think most people workout in bulking/cutting cycles? because it’s much easier and much more efficient to be loose and sloppy with your diet, allowing for maximum muscle gain and some fat… and then to cut excessively, sacrificing the muscle you put on to shed the most fat.

doing a full body recomposition at ~1lb a week just takes way too long



yeah… its healtly to lose about 2.5-3 lbs per week… if you lose more than that… youre actually losing muscle, cause your body goes into panic mode and starts feeding itself on whatever it can get ahold of…

hell you can lose so much just by laying off all sodas and switching to water


Man, I was gonna say that too. That weight loss in that period of time is WAY unhealthy, unless you are absolutely MASSIVE.

The pop thing is simple calories, and the fact that pop is made of very simple sugars which your body turns to first for energy because it is easy to breakdown and use. Average 12oz can of pop has about 140 calories. Most people down a full 24oz bottle (2 servings = around 280 calories) without even thinking of it. That’s a significant source of calories that you aren’t even really thinking about because it isn’t filling you up.

I’m thinking I’m going to try pilates. I ike the idea of building core strength for balance, and the movements also seem to be very akin to stretching.


3lbs a week?! lol you are out of your mind.

assuming the average male of around 180lbs with normal build, you can lose 1-1.5lbs a week without losing THAT much muscle. To be that precise in your weight loss you’d have to be very experienced in body maintenance and have a very good understanding of your bodies comprehension.

with that said though, why do you think most people workout in bulking/cutting cycles? because it’s much easier and much more efficient to be loose and sloppy with your diet, allowing for maximum muscle gain and some fat… and then to cut excessively, sacrificing the muscle you put on to shed the most fat.

doing a full body recomposition at ~1lb a week just takes way too long



lol… mind you, i forgot to put MAX in one week… ive found a couple articles to back me up, but theyre from some no name sites right now… im trying to find a good way to look it up so i can narrow the searches to decent, more reputible sites…

anyway, no matter what, its still not healthy AT ALL
to lose 25 lbs in 2 weeks lol… it will all come back quick as hell

Hell, when I started biking, I didn’t lose any weight until nearly 4 weeks in and then it started dropping off at about 1-2 pounds a week.

And I’m out riding an hour a day 3-4 times a week and an occasional 2 hour ride on a saturday or sunday. and eating around 2000-2500 calories a day.

At first, I wasn’t doing it for the health aspect, but It’s addictive actually and now I want to get to the right weight and look my best, and it feels great to be accomplishing shit.

And now I want to get my flexibility built back up.

:word: this thread isn’t even about this topic

25lbs in 2 1/2 weeks = heroin + alli :lol:


Hell, when I started biking, I didn’t lose any weight until nearly 4 weeks in and then it started dropping off at about 1-2 pounds a week.

And I’m out riding an hour a day 3-4 times a week and an occasional 2 hour ride on a saturday or sunday. and eating around 2000-2500 calories a day.


never went to pilates… but that shit looks crazy when i see all those all ladies and milfs in there doing, but give it shot, and take pics… not of you, but the instructor :slight_smile:

hell even you just got up in the morning and did a 1 min jog in place to get warmed up, and did about 10 min of stretching, youd feel better in week, just from getting circulation back to your body that you didnt realize you were missing


25lbs in 2 1/2 weeks = heroin + richard simmons

