Indentify This Guage Pod

its sick. that is all.

not feelin it.

but it keeps the vents, and you could paint it to look like the oem dash…

i like it

meh… rather have 2 behind steering wheel and 2 where cd player is…

go to dollar store buy a bin cut out the bottom corner on an Angle cut out Holes for guages …Voilla

blah, don’t like it.

Too bulky, even the guages are ugly and huge

FUCK that! That is hideous.

way to big… keep it clean

gauges look clean and functional without any compromise I see, win!

btw where can I get gauges that are pretty hidden? somewhat undetectable when cops are behind or besides you?

you can mount gauges virtually anywhere in your car… if your really that scared of being pulled over for gauges keep the gauges you need to see most often low - (lower than the window frame) and ones you might have but don’t need in the glove box -