LOL. Got Gauges?

ultra gay.

i’d be afraid i was being attacked by a robot when i was driving!

that would drive me nuts

what if they were all hello kitty styz?

great now they rice out the inside of cars

pretty shitty placement, he coulda just went with the clock pod and a single A pillar gauge.

Awesome…who needs to know how fast they are going anyway?

I can see it now.

I got pulled over today on the 290. I was doing 75 in a55 but Itold the trooper I couldn’t see my speedo cuz my boots gauge was in the way

I <3 instrumentation.

<-Control systems geek.

I saw that on iwsti or nasioc last week i don’t remember which, it definitely made me laugh.


I have (5) aftermarket gauges… :frowning:

Also as out of the way as possible.

I could run without 4 of them, but they were already hooked up so…


Officer: “Sir do you know how fast you were going when I clocked you?”
Driver: “Actually officer I don’t. My boost gauge covers half of my speedometer”

Nappy1380: Rep0st

Meh. Read the OP and that was it.

if they were properly mounted it would look sexy, since they match…

aint got shit on this

kinda like it, prolly just something u gotta get used to

I would put a sheet over it when I drive