Informative compression test info from my own car.

eh only 2, could only fit them on the front

ahhh got ya. Ran into the same problem

No one cares, Travis and I are obviously wrong. Same goes for your shitty service manuals, you shouldn’t have bought them from China.

yea fuckin fagbody’s

Guess so! I’ll agree that it’s odd that I had to get it to full operating temp for the cylinders to test nearly identical, but I’ll chalk that up to loose clearances.

Shift manual says much different. Thanks guyths

i am a service manual!

Could be as simple as the hand file fit rings are SLIGHTLY filed differently by hand. I don’t get what everyones crying about. at op temp WITHOUT adding oil the thing is fine. FUCKING RUN IT. OR SELL IT AND SAY YOU WANT A BASS BOAT.

I’m selling it and building a Trailblazer with 12 12" subs. Why? BECAUSE BASS CAR.

:rofl :rofl :rofl :rofl

Werd. Loose tolerances can equate to this. forgot this was built motor. Carry on with PJB jokes.


PMd about your Penis offer

pm replied and sorry about earlier i wassnt neer my smart phone

buncha fuckin loose assholes running around in this thread!

i did a compression test once, it was 100psi, 155,160,155

i think i had a problem for a while? :dunno

then that same day, hours later, i tested again.

0psi, 155,160,155 :lol

problem bro?

i was talking in general , i wasnt worried about a low variance like trav was either . just sayin that doin a comp test with the motor at operating temp isnt always a good indicator of a sound engine .

i myself have proved some manuals wrong dude , ya cant tell me every time ya cracked a book it was right esp on cars


heres what a tdi sounds with the following compression

500,500,300,500 cold