Informative Speech Ideas

On Wednesday I have to give an informative speech for my public speaking class.

I know this is a terrible place to ask, but I would like some topic ideas. Keep in mind this is in front of a class, so it must be kept appropriate.

Thank you fellow ricers in advance. :number1

ive used the same informative speech like 3 times. how to avoid getting pulled over, how to talk your way out of a ticket, and how to get a ticket reduced in court. its appropriate and people will actually want to listen

Hahah you got to UA right? Same class as me.

Back in highschool I did one on how to tackle someone in football, but dude, you could literally do anything… try something like fire proofing your apartment or some bullshit like that

HVCC. Either UA or back to Siena next year.

I think I am going to do it on how to avoid getting pulled over.

Thanks! + rep.

do: How to renovate murdogg9000’s apt. to have a slight hope of passing a NYS building inspection if it was issues by a blind man

Im hiring deadbeatrec to make me a howitzer, then im gonna destroy your family you fuck

im next in line for one so youre going to have to wait

No your not… your next in-line to get fucked by raceghatchfagboy

nope, im last caus we just got done

I’m thinking about doing mine on track days :ponder

I would love to do that, but I don’t have any personal experience (yet).

As much as I would love to go to a track day, even to just watch…

“Try not to fall.”
“Bring back up bike in case you do.”


I was thinking of putting a “I get knocked down but I get up again” type twist on it - personally :ponder

How to give a woman excellent oral pleasue

What support (sources) could I use for “how to avoid getting a traffic ticket?”

Aside from personal experience… :lol

write about rac92hatchibangsomangirlsimsorrymybad

Ahh I love my cars BUT I can never call myself a ricer. BUT about your speech, seriously the effects of 50,000 mg of Vitamin D will do in your diet a week. Thats all I will tell you I think you would like the rest, Or an awesome topic NK cells and there value in the human genome.

And than got knocked down again and quit? :lol