Powerpoint Idea

i need an Idea to do a powerpoint presentation for class. can be on anything, as long as it is safe for class and 5 min in length.

Any ideas? or does anyone have any old presentations i could “look at” :x:


holy shit, pointless!

yea…I woudl def use the intraweb to ‘research’ this one…

this thread sucks


power point as in???

do your homework!

i did a powerpoint on how to make a 5 minute powerpoint about nothing once… it’s pretty easy.

i did a speech like that, yeah… teacher was not please

i gots a a!!

I am going to do it… i just need a decent idea for a topic.

I wasnt acctually looking to plagerize someone else’s

plagerizing is what college is all about :smiley:

and not getting caught :x:

I would do how to fix a ford, but that would take all semester